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The return to the Sunny was eventful. The two survivors, barely had time to put foot on the bridge, that Luffy jumped on them, crying hot tears, frightened to have come close to losed his cook and his navigator.

Seeing the appalling and pitiful state of his two friends, Chopper rushed them, towards the infirmary, holding back his own tears.

Once there, Chopper offered them two large glasses of water, which they drank in one gulp. Then, the little doctor made them swallow a bitter sticky liquid. If the two pirates had more strength, they might have protested, but under Chopper's serious gaze and the fatigue that spread through their bodies, they had no choice but to cooperate.

Afterwards, Chopper examined them and asked the two several questions. At a moment, the two pirates, weren't even listening.

Noticing their absent look, Chopper gave them a apologetic look and  consult them more quickly, to let his friends go eat and rest. As he finish his test, the door to the sick bay opened, Ussop and Robin entered, food in hand and followed closely by worried crew members.

Sanji and Nami snatched the food from their friend's hand and gulped it down unceremoniously. The feeling of finally having something consistant in their bellies was a feeling of pure happiness. They could almost have cried.

"Slowly" Chopper scowled them. "If you eat too fast you'll make yourself sick."

The little reindeer turned his back to them on his little medical stool,  searching in his medical book. Looking for medicine recipes to help his two friends get back on their feet as quickly as possible. He noted the most effective and once finished, he turned around,  interrupting the incessant questions directed at Nami and Sanji.

"Now both of you, no excessive  movement and NO! cooking" Chopper shot a quick stern look to Sanji and Luffy, who the latter responded with a sulky pout.

"Get some rest, your bodies need it." Neither of them said anything, just happy to be back and get some real rest, they both agreed and left the little cabin with the help of their Nakama.


The next few days passed quickly, the crew were quite understanding and did their best to help their Nakama regain as much strength as possible. Thanks to their help, Chopper's medication, good food and rest, the recovery process was very quick.

It took two weeks, for the little doctor to declare them out of danger. Everyone was happy about it. However, Chopper still watched them very closely. The slightest sign of discomfort and they were back for an exam session.

Otherwise, Nami and Sanji quickly fell into their usual routine. Sanji took over the kitchen and Nami went back to her maps.

Everything was back to normal.

Except for the part where Nami was  not speaking to the cook.

Was she still bitter? Yes. Was she also petty? Yes. Did she care? No.

As a result, Nami constantly avoided the cook, spending her time in the library, the aquarium or in her bedroom, places that were rarely visited by Sanji and she was only speaking to him when it was really necessary.

Later during the day, the crew had supper. Sanji made a huge feast for celebrating the crew back togother again. He made more food than usual and Chopper did tell him to slow down, but Sanji wanted to make up for the time he was away. Today, was the last day of his huge feast so he went all in, especially for the last meal of the day.

They were all sitting around the table and enjoying the supper. It was the usual chaos. Captain trying to eat everything in sight, including food from their shipmate's plates, Brook's singing and dancing, the girls smiling and rolling their eyes as they watched the boys fight and throw food at each other.
Nami was serving herself another plate.

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