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It's been an hour since the incident with Nami-san. I was heading to the boat with Luffy and Ussop. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings at all. Nami-san was all I was thinking about.

I know letting her calm down was the right thing to do, but now that we were getting closer and closer to the ship. My mind was blank. I know saying sorry won't be enough. I replayed the scene over and over in my head. Her sad face broke my heart and knowing that I was responsible for her sadness was hard to digest.

Soon we reach the place where we left the ship. I let Luffy and Ussop up first. After taking a long, very long drag of my cigarette, I boarded the ship.

I immediately headed for the place most likely to find her. The tangerine grove. It was the place she always went to when she needed to calm down.

And there she was.

Under the tree, sitting curled up, her face hidden between her legs. I hesitated for a moment to go to her, telling myself that she might needed a little more time?

After a few minutes of inner struggle, I left all the grocery bags on the floor and headed over to Nami-san. While walking towards her,I took a last puff of my cigarette and threw it in an ashtray, not far away.

"Nami-san" the only response I got was silence. I move closer to try again.

"I am -"

"Save it" My heart twisted in my chest knowing she had been crying, her voice was proof enough. 

I moved closer and sit down next to her. I remained silent, deciding to let it go. For now. I didn't want to upset her further or, worse, anger her.

After sitting around for a while, I decided to take another approach.

"I was born in the North Blue, but after an accident on sea, I ended up in the East Blue, where you met me," I took a small pause, before continuing  "But, before this accident, I was living with my family. Judge, wanted the strongest and powerful army and he wanted that for his children too. So when we were still in my mother's belly. He genetically modified us. But, my mother took a drug, to counter the effect of the modifications."

I stopped to look at Nami-san and was happy to see her finally looking at me with great interest. I smiled and continued.

"As you can see, she failed, because it only worked on me. We were trained at a very young age to one day lead Germa. But, I couldn't keep up. I wasn't as strong as my brothers or as fast. So I quickly became the punching bag."

I couldn't stop the images of the horrible things they had said or done to me, from crossing my mind.

I shook myself out of my trance before adding:

"I used to go see my mother once in a while. When I could and when she wasn't too sick. She was the best thing in the hell I lived everyday. But, I guess happy things don't last because she died and I was all alone. I was useless and I was no help to anyone so Judge threw me in a cell and one day my sister took pity on me and helped me escape..."

I felt warmth on my hand and looked down to see Nami-san's hand on mine. I took a deep breath and spoke again:

"After fleeing my home, I swore to myself not to return there, for nothing in the world. But that didn't go to plan right."I let out a forced chuckle.

"So when you told me that I should have stayed with my family, I got angry. I am terribly and sincerely sorry. I shouldn't have lost my temper like that"

Hoping to repair the harm I caused. I bowed my head to her "I'm terribly sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you Nami-san. Please hit me as much as you want."

Love you till the ocean run dryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora