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Sanjis pov

Breakfast will take place in just two hours. I quickly put my neat shirt before buttoning it, checking at the same time that no crease had escaped my eyes. I adjusted my belt on my pant, examine myself in front of the mirror and I correctly put my lock of blonde hair back in front of my right eye. I open the door of  the boy's cabin  and took a deep breath of the cool morning air. The sun was slwoly rising up. It was a beautiful site. I quickly made my way to the kitchen.

After Nami san visit. The rest of the night was just a blurr. I was surprised I wake up in my bed. With no memory of how I even got there.

I was dragging my feet up to the stairs. Fatigue was still present. I stopped when I saw light coming from the kitchen.Who was awake at this hour? And in my kitchen.What worst is I smell burning.
I was tired, but now simply annoyed.


I slammed the door ready to kick his ass.

"Because burning my kitchen once wasn't enough you had to..." I paused when I look around the room.

I didn't know what shocked me the most. That breakfast was already done, the table was set or Nami-san with an apron facing me.

"Nami-san what are you doing?"

" Sanji-kun, Um..I.. made you breakfast and for the others too."She stuttered.

I didn't take my eyes off her for a second. I couldn't help but stare at her dubiously.

Am I still dreaming? This is the only logical explanation. I closed my eyes and pinch myself but nothing. I wasn't dreaming. This was real.

I opened my eyes at the sound of a chair being pulled. The legs scraped loudly on the wooden floor. Nami-san grimaced at the noise and whispered a soft sorry. She then sat down on the chair in front of me.

I looked from the chair next to me back to her and couldn't help my curled eyebrow to raised up. She bit her lip, waiting for me to decide. I then sat down and once my state of chock  finished I observed the table in front of me. It was nicely set. Pancakes, bacons, eggs, sawdwichs even cola for Franky, and some fruits.

Many questions swirled around in my head. Why did she do all this. At what time did she wake up to do all this. Does she love me? I smile at the thought of the last question.

I stopped my delirium when I heard Nami-san clear her throat

"Like I said I wanted to do something for you. You were so tired last night. When Ussop came for his watch. We couldn't wake you up. He had to carry you in the boy's cabin. I..I made breakfast this morning thinking you could relax.  I burned some sausages, that's the burning smell".

I leaned over to smell the food better.  I then looked up to Nami-san.

I smiled and picked up the plate in front of me and put each food item on it.

"Can I have the sausages too" I asked

"But they burned Sanji-kun, I'll force Luffy to eat then. There won't be any waste, don't worry"

"I want to taste everything you prepared Nami-san"

She hesitated for a moment and slowly stood up and walked over to the counter and picked up a plate. She then returned to the table, but sat next to me this time.

"Thank you" I said smiling. I took some of the sausages and put it on my plate. I then tasted everything. One after the other.

"Is it good? or to salty?...Not salty enough. Do you like it ?" She asked. I heard the nervousness in her voice.

I put the fork down and looked at her. "I love it, it's really good Nami-san"

"Really, even the burnt sausages?" She asked septic

"Even the burnt sausages. They are even better because you put all your effort into it. Thank you Nami-san." I put another bite in my mouth and savored it more than the first time. After swallowing I added "You know Chopper told me you cooked for them too"

"Yeah, otherwise Luffy would had killed us from food poisoning." Then, she put some food on her plate. I could see she was looking at me from time to time. She was probably wondering if the food was as good as I said it was.

After a while, she stopped eating and looked at me.

"Sanji-kun this is disgusting" she said softly

"It's not"

"But it is"

"Nami-san, you did a great job with the few ingredients we have left. No one as ever shown me this kind of kindness before and for that i'm really grateful, my dear"

" Is that your gentleman way of saying at suck at cooking" she replied with a chuckle.

I restrained myself from laughing at her reaction. I was glad she didn't take it the wrong way. But, I really mean it.  It was good.

We finish eating in silence. When we were both done. I got up and picked up our plates and took them to the sink.

"Can you teach me some stuffs...about cooking?" I heard her say. I turned to look at her. She stoop up and walked over the sink, next to me.

"  I know you're already busy being a cook for a crew of crazy people, but I could just help you... sometimes. So..if you want, if you can. If you want and can." She let out quickly. The suggestion just warm my heart. How could I say no to this?

"I would love too" She give me the most beautiful smile in return.

I then rolled up my sleeve and started to fill the sink. She took a sponge and a dirty plate and was going to scrub it when I stopped her.

"I won't make you work harder than you already have. You should rest your precious delicate hands." She opened her mouth to protest but I continued "You've done a lot already. I don't know how I can repay you. So please let me do this." I insisted.

She hesitated for a bit. She finally sighed,gave me the sponge,took off the apron and walked away. I heard the door close a few seconds later. I started the dishes, dried it and put lids on the food to keep it warm.

Once everything was done, I collapsed on one of the chairs. I took out the pack of cigarettes. There were only 2 left. Fortunately, we will arrive at the Island today. I lit the cigarette in my hand and blew out the smoke. A nice feeling warmed me up. There were no words to explain how happy I was with the moment I just had.

This day couldn't go any better.

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