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Nami's Pov

I have been trying to sleep for the last 20 minutes in vain. I eventually stop to stare at the ceiling. I couldn't stop thinking about the conversation I had with Robin.


Me and Robin we're peacefully sitting at the aquarium. The only place where  wasn't loud or at risk of getting things throw away at us by Usopp new stupid game. I was reading some cards, while Robin was drinking her tea. Truthfully, I wasn't paying a lot of attention on my cards. There was a lot of thing on my mind. Or rather someone. My thoughts were cut off by Robin sudden question.

"You love him don't you?"

I put the cards that I had in my hands on the table with the others and looked at Robin. She said those words completely out of the blue. She couldn't talk about Sanji? She couldn't know? I know Robin was good at reading people. She's a good observer too. But, I wasn't that abvious, right?

"Who?" I said while looking at the aquarium.

"Cook san" said Robin.

I looked at her in mild shock. She smile at me with her hand on her chin. Of course she knew. Robin know's everything. Yet, I tried to play in cool.

"Of course I love him. I love all of my nakama."

"But the love you feel for him it's different. Nami you are in love with him."

I looked at my hands for a second. I wanted to prove a wrong, but in the same time I was happy that she brought it up. I intented to tell her. But, I didn't have the courage. I took a deep breath and look back at Robin.

"Y..yes you right. I love him." God it felt so weird saying it at loud.

"Are you planning on confessing soon?"

I looked at her like it was the most absurd thing I ever heard.

"I'm sure he feel the same way."

I forced a laugh at her words" I know he does. He feel the same for you too and for every woman he meets."

"I'm not sure that's true, he's different with you" Robin said.

"I used to think that too you know.  But, Sanji care about all women. He loves every beautiful woman who crosses his path. I felt so special at first, but it didn't last long. I'm just like every other girls to him.

"You should talk to him"

"Did you listen to what I just..." I started but was quickly interrupted by Robin.

"I don't know a lot when it come to love. However, I read a lot of books about it. Try talking to him more and spending more time with him. It will be easier to confess."

I looked at her frowning " I don't know about the confessing part, but where should I start.... by talking to him I mean."

" You could start by apolozing." I tilted my head to the side, completely unaware of what she was referring to. Robin looked at me amused and continued.

"You have been ignoring him and he noticed it. You can start by saying sorry"

"I didn't mean to..." Robin gave me the look, which meant she did not believe me at all. I was about to say something, when I heard running. I turn my head towards the door and saw luffy, with is famous grin.

"Supper is ready! ". He said and as fast as he came, he was already gone.

Robin got up from her chair and I did the same. She then stopped to look at me.

"He has first watch tonight. You can start there if you want." She then walked to the door and I followed her right after.


                 **End of flashback**

I emerged from my thoughts, blushing. After miserable attempt to fall asleep I got up and took the blanket of my bed and put it over my shoulders and walked to my bedroom door.

I can't beileve i'm doing this.

I slowly open the door, fearing to wake  one my nakama. As if everyone was awake by this hour.

Focus Nami!!

As I walked towards the brige the only think I could hear were the waves hitting the Sunny and my heartbeat.

Why am I doing this again?

I kept asking myself this question, as I walked over to the crow's nest and  then stopped abruptly. What am I going to say. I was not prepared for this. It was a bad idea. I didn't prepare what I was going to say. I can't just say sorry and leave. The last thing I wanted was to embarrass myself.

I can do it tomorrow

No I can't back down, because, I don't know if I will have the courage to do it again. Also, i'm halfway there. So with a wave of determination and confidence I made my way to the crow's nest. It didn't last long. I was there, way too fast in my opinion. The only thing that separated me from Sanji now, was the hatch.

I took a deep breath and slowly, very slowly opened the hatch. I could smell the familiar smell of cigarettes rushing through my nose. Then, I saw two beautiful blue eyes looking at me. I could see that Sanji was as confused as I was as to why I was here. I open my mouth to say something, but nothing. I just stood there, frozen. All the confidence I had a few minutes ago, gone. The determination, also gone. And suddenly all I wanted was to run away.

Yeah, that was a bad idea.

Love you till the ocean run dryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora