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The cook didn't even feel himself falling. He just had the time to blink and the next second he was in the water. The feeling of deja vu, gave Sanji an uneasy feeling creeping at the bottom of his stomach. The blonde shove his painful memory away and with all his might, he reach back to the surface. He turned frantically, not taking him long to spot the ship from a good distance. Sanji wasted no time and started swimming towards it.

The water was cold, way too cold, it was thick and heavy against his arms, as if the waves were trying to stop him. Like the god of sea was trying to stop him from going back to the Sunny. A wave hit him and he sank in the water. He had to fight to come back to the surface. He felt like his lungs were going to explode. When he did come back to the surface, it was only for an another wave to come crashing down on him again. He lost his senses for a moment, ignoring the up from the down.

Finally, after reaching the surface again, he wanted to scream in rage.  Pain was flooding his mind and his fists clenching tightly. Sanji was trying to ignore the pain. His eyes stung and felt heavy. He had to contain himself, recover his spirits, no way he would die like this.

That's when he heard it.

A voice of a woman, who called him from the distance. Was it a mermaid? Will it be this magnificent creature that will save him from this dreadful drowning? Sanji wasn't sure, if he was going crazy, for all the salt water he drunk, but the voice called him again and this time the cook was sure he wasn't dreaming.

Someone was calling him.

He could bet, he saw a figure swimming towards him. So, Sanji swam faster towards the voice, until he saw her.


Fuck, no no NO!

He tried to swim faster, scared of being separated from her or losing her sight, but with every stroke forwards the waves pushed him three strokes backward. She was so close, yet so far.

On a last deseparate attempt, the cook kicked against the current and managed to finally grabbed Nami and pulled her closer to him. At the same time, a loud noise could be heard, the cook and the navigator, both looked towards the noise and neither could believe it.

The Sunny was flying away.

Leaving them behind.

"We..we n-need to swing sidesways against the current" Sanji was confuse,  trying to register everything, what Nami at said? What was happening right now? So, without even realize it, he was moving. Moving against the current, keeping a firm greep on Nami.

Pulling the navigator closer to him, the cook tried avoiding sinking, until one particular wave, crash in his ear. Everything became quiet and all Sanji could hear was his pounding heart, as he began to lose consciousness. He was fighting the blackness creeping into the corners of his eyes.

Then, it was dark.


A distant voice reached Sanji's ears. He could perceive sunlight through his closed eyelids. He dreaded the moment he would open his eyes, knowing that the sun would burn them. The air hitting his face was warm, Sanji realised, peaceful even. The beautiful voice of the angel calling his name, made him want to stay like this, lying in the hot sand.

The cook blue eyes, finally cracked open at the realisation that he was laying on sand. Sanji shutted his eyes  soon after, slowly, reopened them, covering his eyes with his arm as a shield to only find Nami, kneeling in front of him.

The cook sat up and winced at the sudden pain. The eyes of the navigator, immediately began scanning his body  for the slightest trace of injury.

"I'm fine, my dear, not even a scratch" he said, while getting up. “You’re hurt aren’t you” Nami stated, while getting up in turn, her words more a statement than a question.

“I’m fine,” Sanji replied, his smile telling the navigator not to press on the topic. Her hand landed on Sanji chest and lightly pushed. The cook whistled against his tightly closed teeth and his face contorted.

"Fine? You got ejected by the mast"

"It doesn’t hurt that much.”

“Please, your ribs are definitely bruised, I wouldn’t be surprised if a couple cracked,” Nami huffed.

"I survive worst" They both felt silent. The navigator knew Sanji was strong and that it couldn't have been seriously hurt, but she was still worried.

"Sit!" Nami began, swiftly changing the topic. Her tone indicated that she was in no mood to argue. Sanji sat down on the sand as quickly as he was told.
"I will try to find something to eat, something useful, anything..and NO!! you stayimg here."She end up adding, seeing the cook getting up.

The island they were on was small. Nami was not afraid of any attack, it was inevitably uninhabited. She began to walk away from the cook and inspected the premises. Nami quickly circled the island, on the way, she picked up berries and woods for a fire.

When she returned to the beach, the sunset was starting to show, giving a marvelous reddish orange color painting the sky. Nami found Sanji under a tree. For the time she was away, the cook had move to be in the shade from the harsh sun. The blond also, out of habit, tried many time, reaching for his cigarettes, who had unfortunately, not survive the strom. He couldn't wait to get out of this island he thought, as Nami was making her way to him. Sanji smile at the beautiful navigator, coming to him, arms full and. Shirtless.

Happiness, erupted from his chest like a volcano, silently screaming his thanks to the gods. He stared lovingly at her, with hearts in his eyes. She looked beautiful. Even being lost in a desert island, clothes riped. Nami couldn't never not be beautiful. Her long hair was so bright and silky. It spilled over her shoulders and flowed behind her back. Sanji's eyes started to rove further down to her chest, where they lingered for an indefinite amount of time.

He had on display the wonderful breasts of the young woman he dreamed of religiously. Nami felt herself blushing when she saw the glow that illuminated the ocean blue eyes of the pirate on her chest. She only shook her head and muttered, "Pervert," under her breath turning away and stared out at the ocean, trying not to think of Sanji's gaze surely still fixed on her.

Sanji sighed depressingly, realizing what a fool he was, ogling at her bosom. While they were more important things at stake. How long will they be stuck here? Will the crew find them before it's to late. His memories brought him back to that damn rock. He and Zeff left to themselves. The madness and the hunger that had become there only friends. The fact of almost reliving this situation with Nami of all people, Sanji would have liked to spare her this nightmare.

As if the navigator had read Sanji's mind, she said "I give us 3 days, more or less. I'm sure everything will be okay." She says confident. She then turned back smiling and Sanji couldn't help returning the smile.

The sun finally left and gave way to a sky lit up with stars. The two Mugiwaras were well settled under a makeshift arbor, made of sticks and leaves. With a campfire dancing not far away. Lying down, Sanji watched Nami put the last remaining wood in the campfire. The cook was surprised to see how Nami had taken the reins, flatly refusing the cook to do anything because of his (non-existent injury).

Sanji had however, insisted that he was fine. But Nami didn't hear it that way. So, to make it up to her, the cook made a mental note to bake her favorite cake, back on the Sunny.

The blonde tensed as the navigator lay down next to him, so, so very close, that he could feel the girl's burning body. The navigator slowly looked up at Sanji "It's to warm us up" she said in a barely audible voice and she press herself even more agaisnt Sanji.

Sanji had to blink several times to make sure he was alive. The blond realized that his wildest dream was starting to come true. All that was missing, was for Nami to take off her bra. The blood rushed to his face and he felt very tight in his pants. Heart-shaped eyes and a silly smile glued to his lips, Nami who hadn't missed a thing in Sanji delirium, rolled her eyes and turned the other way. Sanji, disappointed to no longer stare at Nami's angelic, contented himself by only staring at the orange hair in front of him.

Sanji didn't know for how long he was  staring, lost in his thoughts. But, at one point he felt himself drift off, his tired mind finally shutting up.

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