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No one's pov

Bright slowly moved towards Win

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Bright slowly moved towards Win. Win is really a crying mess.

Bright takes win's hand in his hand and squeeze it gently.

Come on, Win. It's okay. It's a series. I don't have any girl in my life. Bright said in the most soothing tone.

I KNOWWWWWW! Win just blurted out loud feeling so many emotions at the same time.

Then Don't cry na. I would never leave you or let you see something like that. Bright still tries to comfort Win.

I KNOWWWWWW! Win can't stop crying at all and he can't bring the right words out.

Bright is being confused. So he leaves win for a moment. He brings a glass of water. He made win drink it. He hugs win to calm him down.

Are you alright now? Don't get so emotional. My heart aches when I see you crying like this. Bright is again trying to calm him down. Hoping would work .

I KNOWWWWW! Win again said the same thing. But bright has developed a lot of patience being in love with win for more than 3 years.

Then tell me, What do you want me to know? Bright takes win's hand and kisses it and holds it gently.

I..I.. Uwahh and he starts crying again.

It's okay

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

It's okay. It's okay. Take your own time. Bright said knowing it's right to give him some time.

Hic..hic...hic...hic... just getting to know How will I feel to see you with a woman like that. I felt so many things burst inside me.

I know.... Go on .. Bright said on the verge of tears.

But that's not why I am crying. The pain I felt seeing you in series with her can't even be compared to the pain you endured when I started to bring girls home and date them right in front of you when you loved me so much that you didn't even had your first kiss yet, you saraleo kiss virgin!!!! And win cries more and more.

Just,Be Mine now! Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat