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Next morning....

Win's s PoV
I woke up and found myself in the middle of the woods. Like where the hell am I? Is this Amazon forest? I thought I would be somewhere classy and bossy. I feel weird here. But this.. Wait! Where is Bright? He should be around me.

I walk and walk but I don't see him anywhere. Let me just sit here he will come and find me. But what can possibly be fun in this? I didn't even see a single human here. What are we supposed to do? Where is Bright right now? What is he doing? What if he is in danger? What if there are wild animals here? No no no let's not think about that. I didn't find any traces of animals So I guess he should be fine.

I hear some noises. Bright Is that you? Answer me!

Someone is approaching me. Looks like bright. Finally Bright Here! I am here.

What?!? What's that? OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! NOOO!

I started running. I am running to save my life. I can't stand that creepy thing. Why god why? Here of all places? I better hurry and find bright and get out of this forest.

I am out of breath now and that weird creepy thing is chasing me. Should I act like I am dead and it will go away? But what if It eats me alive? Noo I can't die yet. I have to... Ahhh! How can I trip at this moment? Life sucks.

That creepy thing is getting closer and I can't get up because I sprained my ankle. Wah really is this how I die? In a forest where nobody knows me and without telling... I came out of my thoughts when I heard someone calling me.


Huh? I turned back to see something that would give me nightmares forever

Winnie, listen to me I am Bright. Creepy thing started talking and claimed that he is Bright. Wow really now. He is Bright? If I look closer and neglect the scars on his face He does look like Bright though.

What? Bright is that really you? But how? I am beyond shocked seriously. So the creepy thing was you all along? I still can't believe it

Hey! I ain't creepy!! Look at yourself first. He isn't taking it. Lol

What do you mean? I look down and  Huuuuhhhhh??? I am also creepy. Is this really me? How the mighty have fallen 🙊

Not creepy Win. Here we are in this forest as Zombies. Said Bright. 

Zombie? Are zombies like this in real life? I asked still trying to figure out.

Yeah maybe. So after Superheroes we are demoted to Zombies. He said, disappointment clear in his voice. Maybe he doesn't like being zombie. 

Why? Didn't we do good as superheroes? I said to cheer him up. Don't know if it worked tho

Who knows on what basis we are getting awarded. Still sad huh..

Then what to do now? Should we eat humans? I tried again teasingly

Yeah that's what zombies do. He teased back!!!

Yah! No way I could eat a human. Started my drama 

You think I can? I ain't into cannibalism. He said the obvious

But thank goodness I found you tho it was creepy. Thanks for chasing after me. I sincerely said.

What got you so formal,buffalo? My sincerity didn't reach him

Nothing. Let's roam around and find something to eat. I said casually

Do you mean find humans Win? He teased again!!!!

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