chapter 21-to young

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Skylar p.o.v.

We drive home and talked happily about us buying our new house. I can not eait and I'm so excited about us taking the next step into our relationship.

We parked the car up and got out the car towards my moms house where everyone already is including Jacobs parents and sister aria.

We walked into the kitchen and instantly everyones head snapped to us.

"Where have you guys been?" Precious asked narrowing her eyes suspiciously at us.

I laughed and held my hands up.

"I'm sorry your majesty did I not get your permission." I said bowing dramatically.

We both burst out laughing. I looked up and noticed how everyone was staring at us amusingly.

I looked to Jacob who kissed my cheek. We all sat down and started eating and talking. Finally it was time to tell them about our house but I was very much nervous now.

I looked to jacob and breathed out a shaky breathe. I cleared my throat to get everyones attention but it did not work making me sigh.

"Guys we need to speak to you all." I said.

Everyones head snapped to ours and they all looked at us as if to say go on.

I was about to speak when I got cut off by Isabella, Jacobs mom.

"Omg are you pregnant. Is it what you was going to tell us." Isabella let out a loud squeal making my mom squeal in excitement to.

Before I could deny me being pregnant i heard loud growls and snarls come from my dad and the twins making Jacob get his back up and snarl back while pulling me behind him.

It's an instinct thing to do. Even though jacob knows my dad or my brothers would never hurt me it's his instinct to put me behind me incase he needs to attack or protect me.

"You better not be pr-" my dad said angrily making me growl out of frustration.

"I'm not pregnant." I shouted with tears in my eyes.

They all looked suprised that I growled and shouted at them as it's very rare I shout at my family but I never ever growl at them. Well maybe i growl at my brothers sometimes but never my parents.

My dad snarled at me angrily.

"How dare you growl at me." My dad roared.

My mom shot up and grabbed hold off my dad to try calm him down.

"Calm down and ket ger speak." My mom said to my dad.

"I'm sorry we assumed you were telling us your pregnant sweetie. We should have let you continue what you was going to say." My mom said softly and feeling guilty.

However that was not what was on my mind anymore.

I looked at my dad with tears in my eyes. I knew he could see the hurt on my face. I knew they all could. However I knew that my hurt was that strong that jacob could feel it in our bond.

Jacob walked to me and hugged me making me take in his scent to calm down. He kissed the top off my head and I knew he was reading my thoughts. I tried to stop thinking all the stuff I was thinking but could not seem to help it.

Jacob growled loudly making everyone look st him. Isabella went to step closer to us making jacob growl warningly at her. She stopped in her steps while his dad beta jason growled angrily at jacob.

Before beta jason could argue with jacob I spoke.

"This is how you would react if I was pregnant?" I said hurt.

Everyone in the room went quite. Noone really knowing what to say.

"Yes, you are to young" my dad gritted out.

I looked at him and scoffed.

"I'm too young? I'm the same age as precious is." I said angrily. Even my mom glared at him seeming as she had babies my age and she had to look after keaton at a young age.

My dad glared at me.

"Your still to young." My dad said raising his voice a little.

"No I'm the same age as precious dad. You never complained when she fell pregnant." I said speaking louder as well.

"She is not my daughter. My flesh and blood you are." My dad roared.

"But the twins are your flesh and blood. My brothers are young and they have babies now but you never got angry like you have with me. All because off what? Because they were having the next heir and I'm not ? That's why your fine with them having a baby young but not fine with me having a baby young?" I shouted with tears running down my face.

He looked at me shocked. That's all I seem to see on his face at the moment. Everyone in the room was quite listening to what's going on.

"You are my daughter-" my dad went to carry on saying but I cut him off.

"Yes well luckily for you I was not going to announce that I am pregnant. I was about to announce that myself and jacob are buying our own place together." I shouted angrily and hurt before walking out the house and slamming the door shut.

I headed straight for the car. I could tell jacob was following me so I mindlinked him and told him i just need time on my own and I will speak to him soon. He hesitated but he knew I was not mad at him and I just needed time on my own.

With that thought in mind I headed straight to the woods, got out the car and changed into my wolf form running around to release some stress.

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