chapter 15-cafe

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Jacob p.o.v.

After we said goodbye to the girls we headed straight to the other pack where a fight started more or less straight away.

Just as I'm fighting one off the warriors I see by the corner off my eye as alpha kane steps infront off one off our young warriors as the other alpha bites into him just missing his throat. It was as if time stood still as everyone froze.

A snarl broke free from me as I ripped into this warrior and was just about to run up to our alpha when a loud growl erupted in the air coming from xander. It was the loudest and angriest growl I have ever heard. The stress and the ground shook as we all turned our head in submission including the other pack.

I watched how xander ran straight for the frozen alpha who bit and maybe even killed our alpha.

Xander killed him in seconde but I could see he so badly wanted to kill him slowly. We all rushed to our alpha when a women tried to help our alpha and let us use there cars.

I decided it was best I go and make my way back with our warriors wolf form as they go in the car with alpha kane.

My dad and myself were now the leaders until we got home. We set straight off on foot to get back to our pack. All of us in silence to lost in thought and dread about our alpha.

We arrived around the same time as the twins did. As soon as I shifted back and walked towards them I could see skylars face and she looked to be in shock.

As soon as she seen me she ran into my arms as I picked her up and comforted her. She cried her eyes out in my arms as I stroked her back and whispered comforting things to her. I knew something more was wrong though and not just about her father.

"Baby what's going on?" I asked as she calmed down a little.

"My-my mom is un- unconscious because off what happened to d-dad." She said inbetween hiccups.

"Shh, she will be okay baby your mom is strong." I said softly.

All off a sudden she jumped out my arms making me look at her confused and a little upset as I wanted to hold her longer. Her eyes started scanning my body.

"What are you-" I was cut off by her ramble.

"Are you okay? Re you hurt. Omg you could have been hurt and I jumped in your arms. " she said rambling making me chuckle and her glare at me.

"I'm fine baby. Let's go see your mom." I said softly.

Together we headed to go see her mom and sat with her while her father was in surgery. After a short while we headed out to get some food down us.

As we headed back we noticed how alpha kane was in the same room as were the twins and precious. I could feel a lot off tension in the air coming from precious and the twins making me look at them confused.

After a while alpha kane woke up and we walked away to let cassie and kane talk.

We was walking down the hallway when all of a sudden precious gasped as if in pain. We ran to her quickly.

What's wrong baby?" Xavier asked while xander had a tight grip on her.

"I'm okay. I think one of the babies just moved a little and got my ribs." Precious said softly.

They still looked unsure so she grabbed there hand and put it onbher stomach. Just then she felt 2 little kicks making her gasp in suprise as well as the twins.

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