chapter 20- house hunting

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Jacob p.o.v.

It's been a week since the babie were born. I am so proud of Skylar for helping deliver the babies. She did an amazing job and I know she will make a good doctor.

She finished the course and passed which is amazing. She will start to help doc out as off tomorrow.

Me on the other hand will be taking over the beta position soon which again I'm excited for. My dad has been spending a lot of time helping to know what to do.

We have been looking properly at a house for us to buy and move into it together however we have not told any off our family yet.

We have two houses to view today and I know that the second one is the one she really likes but we want to see it in person to get a better view off it.

Right now myself and skylar are in the car on the way to view the first house. We are excited about it but also cautious as we don't want to rush into the first nice house we see and then later on regret it.

This one is about an hour away from the pack house. It's still in our territory but it's an hour walk and around half an hour drive.

We want to be close but not to close.

I parked the car straight outside into the parking area. I looked at the building from outside and it wasn't really to my taste but I did not want to judge until we viewed inside.

I looked to skylar and I could see she was not happy with the outside either. There was rubbish around the house and the paint looked really old and crumbly on the building however on pictures it looked really nice.

" let's see what inside looks like. The outside we can get done up but let's just see what the inside looks like first." I said softly to skylar not wanting us to be to judgy even of it's hard not to.

You would have thought the tried to clear it up a little as they are wanting to sell it and even from looking on the outside I would want them to put the price range down as its not nice enough even to look at from the outside.

Skylar nodded and kissed my cheek. We stepped outside with skylar instantly coming to my side. We walked together hand in hand into the house where the agent was waiting for us.

"Hello my name is sara. I will be showing you around today." She said sounding snobby and bored while chewing on her gum extremely loud might I add. I could tell she was human though so we had to keep our cool at the disrespect.

Myself and skylar cringed but smiled fakely to be nice.

I looked in the hall way and I just new this house was not for us. Don't get me wrong the inside looked more nicer then the outside but it just did not give me the home vibe we needed or wanted.

She showed us around the whole house but like I said I felt no home vibe from it. We told sara we will think about it and let her know them walked to the car to talk. We sat in and straight away skylar began her rant.

"The house looks really run down on the outside jacob and it looks as though there is a lot of work needing done to it. Which is time and effort we don't have at the moment with you getting ready for beta position and me getting ready for my doctor position. Not only that I can't see myself being happy in this home and calling this my home. I can't see us being in this house." She said.

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