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It was the next day, when I heard a nick at my door. I got up tiered and walked over to the door. I opened it and Zim was standing on the other side of it with his iconic raven black hair and purple-grey (I'm sorry if I got it wrong) eyes. "Greetings [Y/N]! I must inform you that I am going somewhere for a bit and won't be back until tomorrow night. While I am gone, you may not explore where the elevator goes, and you can only be in here, or on ground floor. I will see you tomorrow night human! I trust you to take care of my house." I nodded drowsily and said "Ok Zim. Have fun with your journey." He nodded and gave me something from behind his back.

It was a robotic dog yapping with excitement. I was tiered so I wasn't able to make the reaction Zim wanted. But I smiled and took it from Zim's hands. I pet it and looked back at Zim. He had a light blue hue on his face and said "I thought you might need some company when I'm gone." I yawned and nodded. Then, before her could go, I hugged him. While I was hugging him, he asked "Seriously, what is this that you humans do??" I broke the hug and said "It's a hug Zim. How do you not know what that is??" He god defensive and said "I know what it was!! I just wanted to make sure." I then nodded and said "Have fun Zim." He nodded and walked off. I shut the door and plopped back on my bed with the robot dog in hand. I then got up, let the dog run around, and climbed in my bed. I fell asleep fast.

Time skip

I woke up to a rough metal tongue rubbing against my skin. I opened my eyes, and saw it was the dog. I smiled at it then said "Hello little friend." I then sat up, and started to pet the dogs head. "Do you have a name?" The dog said "(SIR unit/name) at your service." I was shocked. I then said "What is it that you do?" (SU/N) said "Anything." I smiled and said "Like what?" "Well, for starters, you can say 'Activate self defense system.'" "Activate self defense system." Then, out of it's back, a bunch of weapons shoot out. There were missiles, guns, ray guns, and sharp objects. I asked "Ok but how do you stop?" "Say 'deactivate self defense system.'" I nodded and said "Deactivate self defense system." And it all got put back into its back.

Sighed with relief and sat there. I was pretty lonely without Zim around. I felt a robotic head rest on my stomach. I looked down and smiled at it. Then it stood up and said "I can tell you don't know my gender. I am a (SU/G sir unit gender)." I nodded. They jumped off of the bed, and waited for me to get up. I did, because I was hungry. I walked out the door with (SU/N) walking at my feet. I walked into the elevator with (SU/N). I arrived at the ground floor and walked to the kitchen. (SU/N) sat on the couch waiting for me patiently. I liked that Zim took time out of his busy day for me. I don't know why he is giving me all of these gifts though.

That's when I thought of it. Since he is giving me all of these gifts, I can just download discord and Pandora on my tablet, factory reset my phone, and give it to Zim so we can communicate with each other. I found a waffle in one of the cabinets, and picked it up. It was still warm, and it had a note. It read,

Hi prety ladi!
Gir mad u a wafl!

I smiled. Gir made me a waffle. I ate it and hiccuped a bubble. When I finished the waffle, I was hiccuping bubbles non stop. When it finally stopped, I walked over to the elevator, with (SU/N) right beside me. We descended into the Earth until we stopped at the hallway with doors. I walked to mine. I opened it, letting in (SU/N) first and walked in. I grabbed my phone and found out I had discord messages. They were from Dib. I didn't look at what he said, I just blocked him. I deleted discord off of my phone.I then grabbed my tablet and downloaded discord. I also downloaded Pandora and YouTube. I factory reset my phone and set it aside for Zim.

I opened discord on my tablet and made a new discord username. It was (Your new discord username). I had a whole new start now. "Incoming call from Zim." (SU/N) said. I said "Accept." Then a holographic screen opened up from (SU/N). And Zim was there. "[Y/N]! How are you doing?" I smiled and said "I'm doing fine Zim. How is your journey going?" He said "It's going swell!" Then I saw Gir jumping to try and see me. "Hi pretty lady! Did you enjoy the waffle I made for you!" "Yes I did Gir! Thank you!" I heard him giggling with happiness. Zim looked agitated with his eye twitching. I smiled at him and it seemed to calm him down.

"What is your favorite food [Y/N]?" Zim asked. I thought for a moment. It was hard to decide. "(F/F)." "What is your favorite plush thingy?" I wondered why he was asking me this, because last I checked, these things weren't that important to know. "(F/P). But why?" Zim looked frozen. Then he said "No reason! Anyway, that's all I wanted to know, so bye human!" Then he ended the call. I was once again feeling lonely.

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