Chapter 10

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The fight lasted over three hours and they ended up needing the stand by team. LadyDragon was already injured when they got there and Ladybug took over commands, leading her team into action. Taking the Prodigious and unifying it to Tikki, she then sent Fei to the Watchtower where Zatanna took care of her.

The powers of the Ladybug Miraculous and the Prodigious was tiring for the Guardian and controlling it was the most difficult thing she had to do in her life. Superboy was really concerned, but Wonder Woman stopped him from getting closer to his wife while she was getting used to the strength and powers of the artifacts.

The civilians were being evacuated and the team was able to safe almost all of them, they kept working together to make sure to protect the people of the city. They made sure to keep a hospital in another town not far and send all the injured civilians to be treated.

* * *

Back in the Watchtower, the Bats were trying to get in control of somethings, like the computers and commands of the battle, but Robin stopped them. He knew there was nothing they could do, especially if Ladybug didn't want them involved, so resign himself to go to the training room and observe his son, playing and training with Kon and Wally. The young boy was running after his sister, but her super speed abilities were keeping him from catching her, but Elijah never gave up. He was able to stop her by using a yoyo, just like his mother, sending the younger kid into a fist of giggles.

Supergirl joined the four, with the baby girl still sleeping in her arms. She gave the kids snacks and drinks, before they got back to playing. Wally was showing Melody who to use her super speed and Conner was helping Elijah with his combat stand and the best ways to hide anywhere. The kids really enjoyed their night at the Watchtower, unaware of what their parents were doing and the dangers surrounding them.

* * *

The most difficult part of the mission was to find the person who had stolen Meshi's Miraculous, but once they got to it, the heroes were able to stop the villain, who Ladybug recognized from her first time in Shanghai, all those years ago, he was the man who had sell the miraculous to Hawkmoth and was avid for money. This time she dropped him at the closest police station and made sure he would not be released by cursing him with Plagg's help.

After casting her 'Miraculous Ladybug' she rapidly got the team together and opened a portal back to the Justice League watchtower. She wanted to see her sister and her children as fast as possible. Once she made sure they were all okay, she finally sat down and Superboy was at her side with water and food, looking at her for injuries.

"Relax honey, were fine!" she giggled.

"Yeah, I will be the one to decide if you are okay and I'll make sure the doctor puts you on bed rest if you do anything like that again. Those powers could have killed you both!" he was angry, scared and relieved, but the concern on his face was clearly visible to anyone. Labybug turned to Superman and asked him to come closer.

"Could you please, tell your son that were alright? Can you hear it or see it? Because I think he's too worked up to be able to," she asked to her father-in-law, who looked at her and listened carefully before smiling and patting Superboy's shoulder.

"Hey, come on son! Your wife is okay and the baby is fine! You don't have to worry, okay?" laughing with Ladybug at the sigh Superboy let out at that moment.

Most people around them gasped, when earing about a baby and putting two and two together.

"Don't tell me you fought while pregnant!?" said Wonder Woman.

"Well... let's just say that holding the Miraculous of Creation all those years and a husband who loves me very much... Baby #4 is on its way!" the young Guardian was smiling, putting a hand on top of Superboy, who had placed his on her really flat stomach.

"Thank the Kwamis, the magical suit makes it like I'm not even pregnant, but without the transformation you can definitely see the beautiful baby bump," Superboy said smiling.

At that moment, Conner and Wally, stepped into the conference room with Elijah and Melody following them. The toddlers ran to their parents and they exchanged a big family hug. Superboy took the kids and Supergirl gave Ladybug sleepy, but giggling baby girl and the family went through the portal Constantine had opened for them, waving goodbye to everyone.

* * *

That night, Damian rapidly left the cave after their return from the Watchtower. He could hear his father and brothers arguing about everything and nothing really, Bruce was mostly mad, because he was put aside during the battle, Jason wanted to hit Bruce for the Rossi mission and how they could have done it another way, Tim was trying to get access to the files about the night, but despite everything the Miraculous magic was blocking it and Dick was trying to stop them, but he was also to angry at Bruce for his efforts to work.

The young Wayne, got to his room and sat in front of his computer. He found the pictures of Marinette and himself five years earlier, who happy he was then and who lucky he was to have her by his side. Tonight seeing his son and how much he was loved by his family and the way Jon and Marinette worked together he couldn't deny it didn't hurt, but he understood the power of their relationship and couldn't find any reason, other than him loving her and wanting to know his son, to come in between their family and happiness.

Damian took out a paper pad and a pen, he sat in bed and decide to write a letter to Marinette and Jon. To let them know how sorry he was about what he had done three years ago and how much he regretted it. But the most important part of this letter for him was to let them live the happy life they had with their family. How he got the chance during the fight to see Elijah and how proud he was of him and them for raising the boy the way they did. He promised to be there if they ever wanted to forgive him, but he also understood the pain he had caused and wasn't expecting anything from them.

It was his way to let go of the past and press 'Play' to his life and try not to make the same mistakes.

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