Chapter 12

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Best friends go, Good friends comes.

If you want to shine like sun first you have to burn like it. -Adolf Hitler.

"2 orders of hot dog sushi, 3 root beers, and a plate of buffalo wings." Bean looks at us. "Is that all?" He asks. "You sure you don't want a hot dog sushi?" I ask Riley. "For the thousandth time I don't want a hot dog sushi! Why would they wrap a good American food in a Japanese dish?" She ask.

Everyone in the bar looks at Riley. "What are you all looking at?!" She yelled. Riley please don't get us kicked-out of this place. "I still can't believe why we are here." Riley stomp her foot. "Because Bean's grandma might have a heart attack with all the yelling and booty kicking." I explained.

"Can you please say ass?" Riley said while grinning. "I don't think that word is appropriate. " I answered. "But you think hot dog sushis are appropriate." She answer back. I heard Bean laugh, Riley shot him a glare. "You are not allowed to laugh." Riley snap. "Riley stop that! He can laugh if he wants to." I defended.


"Riley stop that! He can laugh if he wants to." Eye candy defended. I saw Bean-face made a look at Talia. The same old look that people gives when Talia talks, she is naturally charming sometimes she even charm speak but she don't usually use it because she think its not normal that she can talk people to do something against their nature.

"Whatever." I answered. I look at Bean-face and he is still drooling at Talia. Yeah! You are so obvious buddy! But goodluck with your dreams of getting Talia. She might be innocent but she'll walk over you with a high heeled boots... well she doesn't own one but she can borrow mine. Oh shit! I'm not jealous of Talia, right? God no! I don't think so. Something about Bean-face that just ticks me.

Our orders are served, the smell is amazing. "I just love hot dog sushi!" Talia giggled. "Me too." Bean-face whispered. The old 'I like that food too' trick. "And peanut butter and jelly sandwich! Oh!" Talia said dreamily. "Yeah! Peanut and butter." Bean-face obviously don't know anything about peanut butter and jelly. He is Latin for godsake! "Jelly like orange jellies." The awkward laugh already gave it away.

"Oh no! Orange and peanut butter is the least favored combination!" Talia stick tongue out. "Yeah, I know that." He breathed nervously. No you don't! Whatever, I'm not going to torture him further. The biggest torture he's going to get is a broken heart from Talia. I jab my fork into a chicken wing, enough to get their attention. Talia and Bean-face reach for their hot dog sushis. Oh my god! this is hot. I likey! "You sure you don't want a bite?" Talia ask. "Nope, I'm quite inlove with this wing."

"Please! Just one bite! Please!" She pleaded with her puppy eyes. "Are you going to keep quiet if I did?" I ask. She made a zipping mouth gesture and nod. She hand me a hot dog sushi, I put it in my mouth. The seaweed melted in the sticky rice and the mayo just kicked in and the hot dog complimented everything. Oh my god. I stand up and slap my hand on the counter top. "I want 5 orders of hot dog sushi and a Tabasco sauce!" The people stop to look at me. The men playing pool raised their beers. "OLE!" the yelled. It doesn't make sense but hey it sounds cool and everyone joined in so… "Ole!" I went back to my seat and Talia is giggling. "I don't want to say this but-"

"Don't you dare Taylor Ann West." I warned. "I…told you so!" Talia yelled. There is no stopping Talia. I avert my attention to Bean-face. "So Hacker Jacker aka Bean-face aka Bean Knight. What's your play? Can you really hack-in through our school or you just said that to get beaten up?" I ask. He looks nervous in my presence, good. "I really can go in. Only through E-mails and small unit computers." He answered. His voice is shaking. "So what? You've been reading our E-mails?" I ask.

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