Chapter 1

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Looking for the Lost Hero

Live your life like there's no tommorow- anonymous.

The cold metal walls of the command center grew gloomier than before. Afina Summer touched the thick bolted walls as she walk, her eyes illuminated by the long flourecent light like lines of rays. The white towel hanging by her shoulder is damped with sweat from her training and it seems like it can't help her with the beads of sweat on her forehead.

Her jet black hair tied in one that reached her waist swayed as she walk. The tapping of her boot heels echoed through the brass halls of the captain's convention room. "Summer's! Lunch time." She turn around and faced the auburn haired boy. "Alright."

The whole command center and command school should have closed a year ago but they recruited students again to search for the hero who betrayed us. His name is Ender, just Ender. His name is badluck so we don't really know his real name.

His story is highly classified. What we learned here should never be spilled outside. I walk to the cafeteria, everyone is already there in their uniforms. I made my way to my teammates, team Dragon Slayers. "Captain." They stood up to greet me. "Sit down everyone." They sat down, I don't like them treating me like a god like Bonzo of Salamander Stealth. They think Bonzo is a god because he was an asshole to Ender and he showed everyone how evil Ender is.

I don't know, with Bonzo being a complete ass maybe I would also hit him hard on the head if I had the chance. The doors swung open and commander walked in. We stood up to show respect, he gestured for us tn sit and we did.

"In my hand is the list of those who passed the exam with an incredible results." In his hand is a black folder which he raised to the air. "In 10th place,Kale." We clapped continuesliy for every name that's was called. My team mates glance at me. Yes, I feel very nervous. "In second place…" Commander glance at us. Everyone looked at me then at Bonzo who's grinning at me.

Talia press my shoulder lightly to asure me, I smiled at her. "In second place… Bonzo!" The commander announced. I stare at the table and breath out.

"Of course! In first place we have Summers." I smiled at everyone as they clap. I look at Bonzo, his fist clenched. I ignored him and thanked my mates.


Commander called me to meet him in his office. "Sir."

"At ease." I lowered my hands to my side. "Talk to me Bonzo." He said without looking at me. His gaze glued at the mirror windows.

"Sir I thought I was the one going after Ender." I ask.

"We had a different plan." Commander answered. "May I know this plan sir?" I ask.

"Ender is a clever boy, sending you after him and acting all good to him won't work. I was wrong about him and I don't like being wrong. I'm going to break him, Ender is still a boy."

"What are you trying to say sir?" I ask once again. "A girl will be his greatest defeat."


I knocked on the door twice. "Come in." I entered the commander's office. "How are you feeling Afina?" I was taken aback but I answered. "Happy sir."

He nodded as he walk. "Good, good." He typed on his table, a video played on the glass wall. It's Ender. "Videos of what he was when he was still training here." He answer smartly and sternly. The next video is Ender and a girl training to shoot.

"What kind of training is that?" I ask myself. We are trained to fight with different weapons in different weather and areas. "They are trained to aim at aliens." Commander answered. I underestimate his hearing at his age. "You are chosen to hunt him around the galaxy. His shuttle still has a tracking device planted on. What you need to do is look for the signal and bring him back here at all cause. If you encounter worse problems contact us right away."

"When will I start? Sir." I ask.

"Tonight." He stare at him. "Your ride is ready."


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