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Suddenly Jungkook's phone rang..
Jungkook looked at his phone.
Jin clenched his fist," Pick it up first.."
Jungkook," Hello.. What?.. Alright.. I'm coming.."
Jin," What's wrong?"
Jungkook," Uncle woke up.."
Jin," Really?.." Sighed," That's a relief."
Jungkook stared at Jin.. He was confused of Jin's reaction..
Jungkook thought," I thought from the most of the people, you will be the one who want Uncle to be dead.. "

Jin," What?"
Jungkook," Nothing.. Jin, I need to go.. Whatever you want to tell me, tell it later.."
Jungkook was about to walked off.. Suddenly he felt his leg numb and fell down..
Jin quickly grabbed Jungkook," Kook, Are you alright?"
Jungkook," It seems my body is at the limit.."
Jin angrily shouted," Can't you just take care of yourself?.. Are you a kid?.. Just how much you want to torment me?.. "
Jungkook," Hey.. Why are you overreacting?.. I'm alri..."
Jin interrupted," You aren't alright.. Let's go to the hospital.."
Jungkook quietly nodded..

Jin drove off the car..
Jungkook," Jin.. Slow down.. Why are you driving so fast?"
Jin," Just shut up.."
Jungkook looked at Worried faced Jin..
Jungkook," Why?.. Why are you so worried about me?"
Jin annoyingly," I'mn't.."
Jungkook," Then drive your car slowly.."
Jin," I'mn't.. You should reach to the hospital first and check through your whole body.. If you have any hidden injury then you might die.."
Jungkook," Jin.. Slow down.. I'm worried that I will die from car accident first.."
Jin stopped his car..

Jungkook sighed," Thank God.. You stopped. "
Jin," Just get down.. I'm gonna check your whole body.."
Jungkook shockingly," Wh.. What?.. What are you saying?"
Jin," Huh?.. What are you thinking?.. We are at the hospital.."
Jungkook looked at front..
Jungkook sighed..
Jin," You have perverted mind, Kook.." Smirked..
Jungkook stammering," I.. I don't.."

Body MRI Check..
Head Injury Check..
Bone Fracture Check..
Jin loudly," Examine him properly.."
Doctor trembling," O.. Okay.."
Jungkook," Are you my mom?.. Why are you overreacting?"
Jin," Fine.. I will be your mom.. Just sit on your bed.. You aren't allowed to go anywhere until the results came out.."
Jungkook," Huh?.. I'mn't sitting here.. I need to check on Uncle.."
Jin," No way.. You aren't going anywhere.."
Doctor softly," Umm.. Mr. Jin.."
Jin," Ah.. Yes.."

Jungkook muttered," Devil.."
Suddenly he heard some nurses whispering..
Jungkook smirked," I know.. I am.."
Jungkook," Huh?.. But I'mn't standing.."
Jungkook looked at the nurse.. He noticed everyone were looking at Jin..
Jungkook," Still Popular same as highschool.. Huh.. Ah.. Frustrating.."
Jin noticed the nurses.. He smiled at them..
Jungkook loudly," Ah.. I can't stand it anymore.. I'm leaving.."
Jin grabbed Jungkook's hand," There's no way you are leaving before your test result.."

Jimin," Kook.."
Jungkook and Jin both saw Jimin with Tae..
Jungkook," Jimin.."
He at first looked at Jimin and then glanced at Jimin's hand holding Tae's arms.. Jin and Tae both noticed Jungkook's gaze..
Jimin," Why are you wearing a patient's clothes?.. Could it be you are hurt?" Worriedly..
Jin irritatingly," Kook is indeed hurt.."
Jimin hurriedly rushed to Jungkook letting go off Tae's hand..
Jimin," What?.. You are hurt?.. Where?.. Could it be your head is hurting?" Touching Jungkook's forehead..
Jungkook hesitated to give answer to Jimin..

Jungkook," Jimin.. I.."
Jin grabbed Jungkook and placed him on the bed..
Jin," He had gone through some checkups.. We will know after doctor's analysis.."
Jimin," Is that so?.. Then Kook, please take some rest.."
Jungkook," Jimin, what about Uncle?.."
Jimin," Don't worry.. Even though Dad still hadn't became full concious yet.. But he opened his eyes.. Doctor said that he isn't in danger of getting in coma anymore.."
Jin shockingly," Coma?"

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