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During High School,
At Bus stop,
Jin," I'm jealous.."
Jungkook," Haha.. You should be.." Laughing loudly
Jin," I wished my old high school classmates too asked me for a trip."
Jungkook," Well.. It's bad.. It seems you don't have good high school friends." Smirked.
Jin," Then I will ask Namjoon to go with me on a trip."
Jungkook," As if Hyung will accept your request.. Don't you know Hyung treat you as his rival?"
Jin confusingly," Rival?.. Why?"
Jungkook," Because of Dad.. He always praises you more than him.. To make things worse even though how many times Hyung tries to surpress you, he could never do it."

Jin," Of course.. Who am I?.. I'm the most perfect guy in the world.. Noone can surpress me."
Jungkook looking at his watch," You really are too much.. How can someone praise himself too much?"
Jin laughed.
Jungkook," But why is the bus isn't coming yet?"
Jin," Hey.. Kook.."
Jungkook looking further at the way,
"What is it?"
Jin," Do you really need to go?"
Jungkook confusingly looked at Jin,
" Huh?"
Jin," I mean.. You could come with us.."
Jungkook," No.. I don't wanna stuck on a family trip.. And did you forget this year is my final year.. I will never gonna get chance to hangout with my high school friends again.. "
Jin," But.. "

Jungkook," Jin, Just go with Uncle and Aunt.. It's been a long time finally your Dad got his vacation from his work.. I'm sure he want to spent his free time with you and Aunt."
Jin," I know.. But.."
Jungkook irritatingly," Still.. But.."
Jin," But I will be lonely without you."
Jungkook," Huh?.."
Smiled," Then that's good.. You will finally realize my value.. "
Jin," I'mn't joking, Kook.."

Jungkook grabbed Jin's hand. Jungkook was shaking.
Jin worryingly," Kook, Are you alright?.. You are shaking?"
Jungkook," For me this trip is very important, Jin.. I.. I really wanted to go.."
Jin," What do you mean?"
Jungkook breathed heavily," I think I should give up on Jimin."
Jin surprisingly," What?.. What are you saying?.. Aren't things going well?.. I mean finally you could talk to Jimin without getting scared.."

Jungkook," Truth is.. I'm scared.. I'm more scared than before.. The more I got close to Jimin, I could see myself less in his future life."
Jin," Why are you giving up now after all this trouble?"
Jungkook," I don't know, Jin.. But somewhere in my heart, I feel that Jimin's gaze are searching for someone.. I don't know who it is but it's not me.. And how could it be me when all his friends knew about my feelings for him but he is still unaware.. "

Jin thought," Someone?.. Could it be Jimin has feelings for someone?.. I don't notice it before even if Jimin has one or not but Kook is saying so.. It can't be wrong then.. From my memory, Jimin's eyes indeed seem strange to me when he was with Tae.. But it can't be Tae.. He left highschool without notice shortly after sports event.. It can't be possible someone could fall in love so fast.. Maybe it can be another person.."
Jin clearing his throat," So.. You are going to clear your thoughts.."
Jungkook," Yeah.."

Bus arrived..
Jungkook," I'm leaving.."
Jin," Yes.. Take care.. "
Jungkook got on bus..
Jin shouted," Kook.. Don't worry.. I will be waiting for you.. So.. Fighting.."
Jungkook's friends looked at Jin and laughed..
Jungkook too shouted from the bus,
" I know, Idiot.."

That was the last day Jungkook and Jin spent their moment as best friends.. After Jungkook returned from trip, he heard the news about the accident of Jin's parents.. He tried to contact Jin but he couldn't reach him.. Jungkook went to Jin's house but Jin had left his home.. Jin disappeared from Jungkook's life as if Jin was only a dream friend Jungkook had ever had..........

At present,
At Harbour Universe,
Hoseok was taking pictures of damaged properties. Jungkook arrived.
Jungkook," What are you doing Mr. Hoseok?.. You can't take pictures here.. Don't you know medias are prohibited here?"
Hoseok looking at Jungkook," Ah.. Yes.. Today I'mn't here as a media.. Jin asked me to take pictures of damaged properties to check out for insurance policy."
Jungkook," Insurance?.."
Hoseok," Why?.. Don't you want to recover the damages from Insurance company?.. I'm sure you don't have enough money to recover the damages."

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