🦁The Rebel from the Savannah: Chapter 4

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Ace and Deuce both held up their magic pens while Grim looked at the magic crystal attached to his collar. As they did, they all gasped in shock when they saw that tiny black splotches had somehow appeared inside their gemstones!

 As they did, they all gasped in shock when they saw that tiny black splotches had somehow appeared inside their gemstones!

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"Ffgna?! There are some weird black blotches on my crystal?!" Grim exclaimed. He held up his magic gemstone and frantically tried to scrub the splotches off from it. But they stayed in place, much to his horror. "I can't wipe them off with my paw!" Grim yelled in a panic.

"There should be smudges that look like drops of ink on the crystal. Those are the blots created from using magic." Crowley explained. "Ah...! If I look close, there's small smudges on my magical pen as well...!" Deuce exclaimed.

"There's some on my magic pen, too!" Ace added as he tried to wipe the black smudges off his magic pen's crystal, but they wouldn't come off. "Blegh, it's so dirty!" Grim said with a look of disgust. "It doesn't look good. Will it go back to normal?" Alice asked worriedly. Crowley nodded. "Why, yes." he said.

Grim and Alice both breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm relieved~! Phew." Grim exhaled in comfort. "With enough rest, the blots will vanish in a matter of time. Magical crystals don't only help with performing spells, but they also prevent blots from accumulating directly within the caster." Crowley explained.

"They are truly a wonderful item that can shoulder your burdens." Deuce hummed in understanding. "I see. So you mean that if our crystals start to darken, we need to properly rest." he said. "That is correct. Eat well, sleep well, and normal blots will disappear on their own." Crowley said with a smile.

" Crowley said with a smile

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Grim smiled and nodded. "How 'bout that!! Then when I become the greatest wizard ever, I can fire off spells like "bang! bang!" with no problem! I always eat my fill and sleep like a rock." Kira scoffed. "That's a big understatement." she muttered.

"Ahem!" Crowley cleared his throat again. "There's also another important matter I need to discuss." he said before he turned towards Alice, wearing the most serious expression on his masked face. "Miss Liddell, would you please come closer?" he said, motioning Alice to come to him.

Alice obeyed as she walked up towards Crowley's desk. "Yes, Headmaster?" she asked timidly. "Please tell me, where did you get that jewel? How did you suddenly possess it?" Crowley asked, pointing at her Crystal Heart.

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