Prologue 9: The Great Seven Statues

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"Now, first we need to think up some boy's names for ourselves. Since we can't let anyone at school know that we're girls, it should be proper to call ourselves by some boy's names." Jazmin said as the group of five made their way down the path towards Main Street to begin today's cleaning.

"Okay. That makes sense." Aria said. "So, what should we call ourselves?" Kira asked. "I would call myself 'Alistair' since it's a masculine form of Alice. And Kira would be 'Kiro', Aria would be 'Arlo' and Jazmin would be 'Jazzim'." Alice said. "Yeah. Good names." Kira said, nodding.

"Okay by me." Aria said. "Agreed." Jazmin added. Grim just laughed. "I think those names are funny!" he guffawed. The girls all glared at Grim. "Oh, yeah? Why don't you try coming up with better 'boy's' names, Grim?" Kira scoffed.

If they were being honest, the four girls weren't looking forward to going out again, especially right now in the morning, when the students were getting ready to head to class. Despite them being disguised as boys, they just knew that they were going to get stares from the entire student body.

As they walked down the main path, some stopped to stare at the four disguised girls, who were each carrying a bucket, a mop, and some floor brushes. Grim, meanwhile, just ambled along behind them on all fours.

Something that the girls had noticed while they were walking was that the ages of the students here ranged from 16 to 19. For a place called "Night Raven College", this college felt more like a high school... and judging by how "mature" the students acted last night upon their arrival, they believed that even more now.

When two of the boys shouted at the rest of the students for making offensive remarks at them, the four girls felt extremely grateful. But even so, the four girls couldn't help but think that maybe it wasn't for their benefit. Still, they decided to just count their blessings and hope that things would now be a little easier for them.

Upon arrival at Main Street, the four girls got a clear view of the school building for the first time. It looked like a giant, ominous castle with many towers. It loomed over them, almost ominously. Even from where the girls were standing, it was big.

They also noticed that seven stone statues lined up the walkway towards the castle, three on the right side and four on the left

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They also noticed that seven stone statues lined up the walkway towards the castle, three on the right side and four on the left. They all noticed that while five of the statues appeared to be people, the other two were that of a lion and a large woman with the lower half of an octopus.

Grim looked across the walkway and was impressed by the sight of it. "Uwaaaah~ Amazing. So this is Main Street." he remarked. "I didn't get a good look yesterday, but what's with these statues? All seven of them look pretty scary."

"I sorta agree with him on that." Kira said. "You think so? I think they're rather pretty." Alice said as she gazed through each statue. She figured that they might be the founders of this school or something like that. They seem important enough. She then walked over to Grim, who was eyeing one of the statues.

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