Chapter 8 - Thank The Gods

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The world can end now. I could jump out the window and be done with it. Not getting into Duke is among the worst feelings of my life. The moment I read that letter, it felt like the whole world came crashing down on me. Everything I have fought and strived for is no longer worth it.

My dad took away my phone and I'm not allowed anything else but to go to school and back. I can't hang out with friends, I can't hang out with Ricky. I've ruined my life at this point.

I'm in my room, sitting on my bed facing the wall. A wall that has nothing on it. A boring wall with no meaning that can be removed and life would go on the same because it's worthless. Just like me. It's no use having good grades in school if it's not going to help me get into college.

A distant knock brings my eyes to the window. I stop and keep quiet hoping it's a bird that made that noise. That sound returns and I see a hand at the window of my room. A few seconds later Vicky's face appears and without trying I smile. I open the window and Vicky enters my room.

"Hey, EJ. I hope you don't mind me coming in like this."

"Vicky, what is this?"

"It's a sleepover of course, what else could it be?"

Vicky puts her hands out the window and pulls Diego into my room. Diego has with him a laptop and two small speakers that he arranges on my bed. He smiles at me tapping my back and walks over to Vicky. They whisper to each other and Diego leaves through the window, but not before kissing her.

"Come on, we have a lot of things to do," Vicky said.

"I can't. I'm locked in my room. I can't go out."

"The window is open, let's go. Put on some jeans and a jacket"

"Where are we going?" I said surprised "I thought you said it was a sleepover?"

"It is, it's just a sleepover... outside. We have to coexist with nature"

With some doubts in mind, I walk to my closet and take out a pair of jeans and a jacket. I put them on, but not before asking Vicky to turn around so I can change. It takes less than ten minutes and I'm ready to go. I don't know where we're going, but I'm ready.

Vicky starts walking towards the window and I stop in my tracks. I can't leave without telling my parents. If they come and go into my room, they'll see I'm not there.

"EJ, what's wrong?"

"I can't leave my room without anyone."

"Don't worry, we've got it fixed."

Vicky walked over to the bed and pressed several buttons and on the other side, Diego's voice could be heard.

"What's up, honey?"

"Are you ready?" asked Vicky

"Always. More if it's about you."

Vicky waited a few seconds until a beep came out of the laptop and Vicky spoke again.

"EJ, good night," Vicky said

"Good night. My name is EJ"

Shut the fuck up. It was Diego talking, but it didn't sound like Diego, it sounded just like my voice. The speakers amplified my voice. My voice says things just like I would say them. Is that what my voice sounds like? Is that my voice? Is that MY voice?

"That's covered, it's time to go."

I nod and we both go out the window. I try to make as little noise as possible in case my parents heard something. We get to the sidewalk across the street and there was a car. A gray convertible car. As we got closer I could see it was a Mercedes Benz. She opened the passenger door for me and we both got in.

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