Chapter 5 - Valentine's Night

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A/N: Hey. Ok, so... this took longer than expected. School and family problems came to sweep through my life, so I didn't get a chance to write. I hope it was worth the wait. Sorry again.

This chapter is mostly smut, so there is not much plot to follow, so you can skip it if you wish. 


Almost an hour later, the uninvited guests left EJ's house. Neither asked any questions about why Ricky was at EJ's house, they simply stated their problem and EJ provided a solution. When the two were alone, EJ took a seat next to Ricky on the couch and smiled at his boyfriend.

"Now let's talk about sex," EJ said.

Ricky took the sheet of paper he had in his jeans and opened it.

"The first thing is that I'd like to thank you for never making fun of me on these sexual issues," said Ricky.

EJ said nothing. He watched as Ricky read what was on his paper as if it were some kind of script. Ricky talked about how much he had learned because of EJ and that he loved him deeply.

"That's why I want to talk to you about sex."

"Okay. Where does this start?" asked EJ.

"Do you remember when we first had sex?"

"Yes, I remember."

"There was something I didn't say at the time..."

Before Ricky could say anything else, EJ got up from the couch and ran to the door. He opened it and ran out to the house across the street. He stopped and rang the doorbell several times. Nana opened the door.

"Nana, I need to talk to Vicky. It's important," said EJ worriedly.

Nana didn't ask and opened the door for EJ. Ricky, who was watching from the other side of the street, saw the whole scene, from the moment EJ ran, to the moment he entered his neighbors' house as if they had known each other all their lives.

EJ ran to the computer room and entered without asking permission. He saw Diego eating a brownie while watching 'LOST' on one of the screens. Vicky was sitting in the chair playing 'Valorant'.

EJ tapped her shoulder and she almost jumped out of her chair. She took off her headphones and grabbed an ashtray from the table. When she saw EJ, she dropped the ashtray and frowned.

"EJ!, for god sake, don't ever do that again! "

"Sorry, it's just that I need to talk to you."

"What's the matter, little brother?"

EJ sighed and looked toward the window. He had to talk fast because Ricky was waiting for him. If it were anyone else, EJ would have gone carefully, but after that rooftop talk with Vicky, he understood that he could be trusted.

"Ricky is at my house and we're going to... have sex, you know... so I asked for your help," said EJ.

"Okay, use condoms and all that, is that why you came?"

"NO" almost shouted EJ "I would like you to turn off any device that allows you to listen to anything in my house."

Vicky nodded smiling and from under the desk pulled a wooden platform on which there were many buttons. They all had names so it wasn't hard to identify them. Vicky moved her hands to where it said 'Indoor Microphones' and pressed the button. A red light next to the button went out and so did one of EJ's concerns.

EJ smiled at Vicky and the girl noticed that EJ's shoulders were tense.

"Hey, EJ! Take it easy, sex is not something completely planned. There will be new things every day."

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