The teacher agreed „Sure thing. Just don't talk during the lesson alright?" Both, Taki and the boy nodded.

„Wow it feels so different to sit here even though I only sat two seats away from you."

Y/n just chuckled. „You two. Shut the fuck up you're so annoying."

Who said that? Yep it was Ni-ki. „Dude why do you have to be so rude?" Taki asked him and rolled his eyes. „Watch your stupid mouth." Taki just ignored him.

„Hey hey Ni-ki calm down." a boy who sat next to Ni-ki patted his back. She looked back and saw a red haired boy „How come I never noticed him?" he had the eyes of a cat „Cute." she thought. „Wait what did I just thought about him? Cute? What the hell Y/n?"

As he saw her looking at him he smiled and she immediately looked away. „Y/n let's go out of here." Taki said as he held his hand to her so she could take it. So she did and they walked out of the classroom.

„Who was the boy?" Y/n looked at Taki questionable. „You mean the boy who sat beside Ni-ki?" she nod.

„Oh that was Jungwon. He is a good boy but friends with Ni-ki and if he gets mad.. oh damn you don't want to know, so I would stay away from him."

Y/n gulped „Are they that dangerous?" Taki shook his head „Actually we should be glad because there are more of his friends. They're so popular the students call them 'ENHYPEN'."

„Where are they?" Taki had his hands in his pockets „Four of them are way older than us. They're just in the other building"

Y/n had the 'Ohhh' look on her face „and there's Jungwon and Sunoo who's in our grade. You saw Jungwon now and Sunoo is in another class."

Y/n understood as she nod „Thank you for informing me." she smiled afterwards. „No problem and if you want to know more just ask!" she hummed in response.


Taki and Y/n walked outside the school building „Ahhh finally school's over." Taki smiled brightly. „Finally we can go home." Y/n comments.

Taki stopped and also stopped Y/n from walking. „What's wrong? Why did we stop walking?"

Taki started to whisper „Look over there." he pointed to a tree. That's where Y/n spotted Ni-ki with a girl.

„You see that girl?" Y/n nod and as soon as she saw them kissing, she understood. „I didn't know that he had a girlfriend. I'm surprised but also not."

Taki continued to walk while Y/n still stood there as she saw them together. „Pst Y/n! What are you still standing there? Come here or else he'll-"

„Hey! What are you two doing here?" Ni-ki looked over and Y/n immediately ran towards Taki. Both of them started to walk fast „I told you or he'll sees us!"

Y/n slowed down so did Taki „Sorry I don't know why I was just standing there." Taki raised an eyebrow „Strange." Y/n looked at him with a sigh „I know right?"


Both got inside the bus and went home together. On their way „That's weird I also live in that direction.." as they got out of the bus and walked to Y/n's apartment's direction.

„Wait you mean there?" Y/n pointed to the direction where her apartment was. „Yeah right there!"

They walked closer „Y/n we're neighbours!" Y/n's smile widened „That's awesome!" Taki nod „Indeed and my mom wanted me to go there today to welcome our new neighbours." he chuckled.

„That's sweet." they reached now Y/n's apartment. She unlocked the door „Come in." and both of them entered.

„Make yourself home." on Taki's face popped a grin „Thank you!"


Both were sitting in Y/n's room chitchatting about school and other stuff. „By the way, where are your parents?"

Y/n had completely forgot about her parents since she was in such a rush this morning. „They might be on a date again since both of them have a day off."

Taki looked around her room „Oh alright sounds good for them. I would do that too if I had a girlfriend." he now shifted his gaze to Y/n.

„You never had a girlfriend?" He shook his head „Actually I'm okay now. I never fell in love with anyone yet that serious. I only had a small crush on someone but that was when I was in elementary school."

Y/n just smiled „What about you though?" her smile faded as he asked her this question.

„Well I had a boyfriend but I don't know if this counts since he never really loved me." You can see the confusion on Taki's face.

„What's that supposed to mean again? He didn't treated you well?" She shook her head.

„He tricked me though, I was just a simple bet. He had to make me fall in love with him and he had to date me for a month? I don't know anymore and stupid me never really listened to Maki- My best friend by the way. He told me that he was just playing because he overheard a conversation between him and his friends."

Taki placed his hand on Y/n's back „Are you okay now?" he looked worried.

I know it sounds weird, they only know each other for two days now, yet he's so concerned about her. He doesn't like mean people, you probably noticed that he was literally the only one who helped her with Ni-ki.

He wants to make sure she's okay, he somehow sees her as his little sister and he wants to protect her, no matter what it takes.

She gave him a sweet smile „I'm fine now thank you. If it wasn't for Maki, I would be still in my room all alone." she chuckled.

„I was kind of surprised to see Ni-ki with a girl. I get that he's popular but seeing him with a girl took me a little by surprise."

Taki gave a small laughter „I know right? But you gotta know that he's a player so he was never really in a serious relationship. He is the type of boy who has a huge ego and you already know that probably. And to protect that, he needs girls who would do everything for him."

Y/n cringed a little „Ew that's way too much." Taki laughed „It is indeed!"


It's been 3 hours now that Taki was at Y/n's „Alright I think I should get going now." Taki stood up and Y/n nod.

She stood up as well and walked him to the door. „It's nice you don't really have a long way to go home." He smiled „Yeah and oh! We could go to school together!"

She unlocked the door „Sure, sounds good." Y/n gave him a small smile and he stepped out of the apartment.

„Well I'll text you. See ya tomorrow!" Taki waved so did Y/n „See you!"


A/n: I know nothing really happened between Y/n and Ni-ki in this chapter, just wait a little longer :)

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