The Happy Girl

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Today on May 7th, I lost my best friend. Not in a death though.... Raquel said she wanted to talk to me. I haven't been in school for the past 2 days because of my anxiety and I got really sick. She talked to me at the end of choir. "I don't think we should be best friends anymore. You know it's that joke you made about torturing me, I told my mom and she doesn't want me to be friends with you. You know we're southern, and she's like a momma bear and really protective of me, and we feel like you're going to hurt me." Oh.... I was kidding about that.
"Don't think this is a best friend break up, but in a way it is....."
"I'm sorry. Do you have a test you have to take?" I nod my head no.
"But I do have stuff to do." I told her.
"Alright. I gotta find Beary anyways." U run off to the drama room, trying to hold back my tears. I found my friend Cameron. A tear fell. I look at her and tell her to follow me.
"What's wrong?" She asks me.
"Raquel." She nods. I pull her towards the bathroom.
"I just saw raquel go in there."
"Fuck " I pull her on stage knowing it would be empty. I tell her everything. Balling my eyes out.
"Shhhh. You know what my dad told me? Highschool friends arent-"
"Forever. Yeah I know, but I've never had friends and she was one of my very fir-" I start to break down in Tears. I ask her to bring Sam to me. She's my Athena. Sam walks onto the stage. I start crying again. She just runs over and holds me while I cry. I also tell her everything.
"I think you need to talk to her."
"I-I can't! I can't go into 5th hour without crying! I'll do it later."
"Sarah, later for you is never. If we have time, we'll do it 5th hour. I'll be with you, but you know I won't talk, I'll just be there and listen while you two figure things out." I nod my head. God this woman is amazing.... She goes to get lunch with Cameron. I stay on the stage until the bell rings. People walk onto stage. Shit.... There's a choir concert. My choir teacher walks in and gives me a smile. I smile back, but leave as quickly as possible. I finish 4th hour in a breeze. I walk into 5th hour, and discover we are in the library. I walk up there, and everyone looks at me. Giving me hugs. I don't want to be hugged now.... I fight back my tears, avoiding raquel as much as possible. In the last 20 minutes of class, I check my SAT score. 1340. The average is 1500.... Well shit. I tell Sam I have to go. She looks at me and nods. I head to the counselors offices.
"Can I talk to you?" She nods her head and comes towards her office, unlocking the door." I tell her everything, from losing my friend, to my score, to my grades, everything. She calls my mom, and my mom did what I expected her to. Say I don't have any problems. I'm a happy girl. "Sarah, I think we should talk tomorrow morning. You're going to miss your bus." I nod. I guess I have to go in the morning.....

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