A Day of Music

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I made it to the international choral festival. I am one of the 6 students. I was the only freshman though along with Tommy, but he's also in the top choir with everyone else who made it.


I wasn't supposed to audition. I was standing outside the choir room on the last day after finals. The university choir conductor saw me and asked if I wanted to audition. I said yes even though I didn't know what for. He takes me in the room with Mr. Shane looking at me surprised. "Sarah, you can't audition, you're not in a high enough level yet."

"I know, but I think I can do it. If I don't make it then I don't make it." He nods and leaves the room. The university conductor wants me to sing a major scale. I sing it and Mr. Shane comes in.

"Sarah, you are really really good. I'm sorry I said that. You have beautiful tone." Mr. Bear interrupts him. "Not to mention her voice color is unique. I don't know what it is but it's beautiful." I smile at them and leave.

                        *End of Flashback*

I'm an alto 1. I like it. I've been one all my life. I see some girls and my dormmate doing some ballet stuff. I know how to do that. I join in on the position 3's. POP! I look down. Shit. My kneecap is dislocated by about 3 inches. It dislocates but not that bad. I try to push it back in. It doesn't work. I can't feel my toes. I try to call my mom. Nothing. Dad, nothing. My grandma is home. I try to call her. She answers but she can't drive. Shit. Shit. shit. Shit. I  getting carried out to go to the hospital. A girl comes with me. I like her. She seems nice. She has on sunglasses all the time.

"I'm Sarah."


"You know what you're doing?"

"No, but a little bit. My brother is in the military and taught me all the medical stuff I know. Can you feel your toes?" I try to wiggle them.

"Yeah barley though."


     The next day I show up. I learned that Sam goes to the other highschool in town. She's super cool. I arrive back at the festival with a cast from my thigh to my toes. I also fractured my femur. I hung around Sam's group all day. I knew the kids from my school thought I was awkward but oh well. I meet an old friend from elementary school, Peter. We catch up on life when he introduces me to Jamie and Raquel. They are the first real friends I've ever had, other then Ricky of course.

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