A Day In Life

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It's evening time, and you see a 4-year-old boy, that boy is none other than Monkey D. Takashi sitting on a cliff watching the sunset,

"*inhale* *exhale* this sight is so beautiful I wish I can stay here forever," said Takashi with a gentle look on his face but was interrupted by someone calling him,

"Takashi!! Come on, your mom is waiting for you" said from what looks to be an 11-year-old girl who has dark green hair and black eyes carrying a basket of apples,

Takashi says, "coming Makino!!" and get up from the cliff and runs to the girl identified as Makino with a smile on his face,

"Sorry Makino was just watching the sunset also may I get an apple pleassse," Takashi says with a smile on his face

"Don't worry about it and sure you may have an apple" Makino says with a smile and hands him a Green Apple from the basket,

"Thank you Makino *crunch* this is so goood," Takashi says with a face of Bliss

Makino looks at the small boy and smiles "Yup I only pick the best apples" Takashi looks at her with a teasing smile and says "Awwwww just for me, you must really like me"

Makino just looks at him and says with a smile "Of course I would, you're like a brother to me, but these are not all for you, I intend to make an Apple pie"

"Cool may I have some when you're done with it, I bet it will be fantastic since your making it, "Takashi said with stars in his eyes "Awww that so sweet of yes you may have some of my apple pie"

Takashi looks at her with a deadpan face and says, "are you mocking me, Makino" Makino just giggles and runs away, "HEY, come back here!!" Takashi says with an angry expression as he runs after her,

After a while, they both made it back to the village and head straight to Takashi house, when they go in they see Takashi mother Aimi cooking dinner,

When she sees Takashi she puts a gentle smile on her face and goes to hug him "How is my little gentleman and hello Makino" She says while pulling Takashi cheeks, Makino smiles and says doing good while Takashi blushes and says" MOM stop it your embarrassing in front of Makino",

"Awwww is my baby boy trying to act like a big boy" Aimi teases him "MoM I am a big boy and didn't I say not cook you need to rest because you're pregnant, and your health is crashing," Takashi says in a strict voice while still blushing because his mother is still hugging him,

Aimi puts on a sad expression and says, "oh I'm sorry I just wanted to cook something for my baby boy" "TCH I guess that's ok but don't do it again ok" Takashi said blushing even harder while looking away from her

Aimi looks at Makino and gives her a thumbs up while Makino just giggles "alright dinners going to be ready in a bit go take a bath, Makino is going to help me finish cooking" Aimi says while kissing him on the forehead and standing up "ok mom" Takashi says while going to the bathroom

When Takashi goes closes the door, he cuts the water on and makes sure the water is hot and then takes off his clothes,

and it shows his body which has muscles in them because of the training his grandfather put him through,

Takashi gets in and sits down *splash* "This feels so gooood" Takashi relaxes and drifts off into his mind and remembers all the good times in short life, from the times his mother and Makino teased him or the quality time he spends with his dad when he's home or the training his grandfather put him through,

Roughly 5 minutes later he gets his consciences
back and takes a bath and makes sure to wash everywhere thoroughly and gets up and drys himself and puts some clothes on and goes outside to see his mother setting the table along with Makino,

Aimi sees him and says, "Come help us set the table Takashi" "Ok Mom," Takashi said as he started to help set the table after a minute the table and Makino brought the food out of the kitchen she set the food down and took off the lid of the food, and it was his favorite food, Seafood Paella and Lobster

"Thank you, mom, for you're the best mom in the world!!" Takashi said with drool coming from but recovered as soon as it happened, His mother sees this and smirks and says, "Ohh, thank you, my son, I'm glad you like it does look delicious doesn't it" "Yup it does Miss Aimi" Makino says after she sits down,

Aimi put her hands to face and blushes and say "ohhh stop it you're embarrassing me Makino" Takashi just looks at her blankly and says "Why are you reacting like your acting like you're a schoolgirl but no schoolgirl is so aggr-" Takashi couldn't finish his sentence as he was on the ground holding his head

"I DARE YOU SAY IT AGAIN, YOU BRAT!!" Aimi said with a demon-like expression, While Makino just sweat dropped while Takashi was on the ground holding his head crying, but got up after a minute like nothing happened and sat down,

"Now Let's eat" Aimi announced "Itadakimasu," everyone said before eating with Takashi eating with class a not to say two others weren't his class was just on another level,

After 40 minutes everyone was done eating their food with Takashi drinking tea and Makino and Aimi Cleaning up after about another 10 minutes they were done cleaning and Makino had to leave "Bye Aimi and Takashi see you tomorrow" Makino said with a smile Takashi and Aimi go up to hug her "Bye Makino see you tomorrow" They say after they hug her, and then she leaves,

"Takashi, go get ready for bed, so I can read you a bedtime story your father sent us," Aimi said with a soft smile

"Ok, MoM!!" Takashi says with a massive smile as he runs to get ready, after 5 minutes he's ready and in bed ready for his mother to read him the story,

"ok son the story your father sent us was" Noland the liar" oh I remember this story" she then tells him the story of "Noland the lair"
"A story over four hundred years ago…
In a certain country in the northern seas,
there was a man named Mont Blanc Noland.
Noland the Explorer's stories were always grand adventures that sounded like lies.
But the people of the village could never tell if they were true or not.
One time, Noland went on an expedition
and came back to report to the king.
"I saw a mountain of gold on an island across the great seas."
To see for himself, the brave king took two thousand warriors
and crossed the great seas in his ship.
He fought powerful storms and huge sea monsters.
Finally, the king, Noland, and one hundred soldiers landed on the island.
But what they found there was nothing but jungle.
Noland was sentenced to death for his lies.
These were his last words.
"That's it! The mountain of gold sank into the ocean!!!" The king and the others were shocked.
Nobody believed Noland anymore, but he never stopped lying until he was dead."

When she finished and looked down she looked down at her son sleeping with a peaceful look on his face, She smiled gently kissed his forehead, and said, "Sleep well my little gentleman" and then she left his room

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