Chapter 1: Ari

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"Terrorists have once again set off an explosion in Area Three as of yesterday late afternoon. Multiple areas are now sealed off around Dome Fourteen. Central Administration strongly condemns the terrorist acts and urge any student with information to step forward to aid in the investigation."

Ari allowed the raspberry sorbet to melt on her tongue, enjoying the sharp tang and the chill that sent shivers down her spine. Tucking one leg beneath her atop the smart chair, she swung side to side idly, half-paying attention to the news on the telecaster mounted on the wall. There had been little new about the news for the past year; terrorist explosions dominated the headlines day after day, followed by Central Administration condemning the disruptions and calls for students with information to step forward.

"Two students are under arrest as suspects and will not be permitted bail or aid until the Investigators' questionings have ceased."

Ari wondered if the sorbet would taste better if she mixed the lime together. She leant to one side and the pod chair slid over the smooth tiled floor to the fridge. The door slid open and she investigated within.

There had been no arrests, no named perpetrators, and only students detained for a few weeks and then released with zero progress. All around, there was a general air of irritation as terrorist attacks cause shutdowns of roads and sections of March City and disrupted the travel systems. Exams were under way and tension ran high — for most students, at least.

The reporter's voice sounded from every room.

"In other news, Central Administration has released an official statement on the Peacekeeper under investigation for alleged overuse of subjugating equipment against two Rank E students for inciting disruption and then resisting arrest, which has resulted in hospitalisation for the two perpetrators. Central Decree has investigated the situation and declared no misuse of power. Central Administration today praised the Peacekeeper — as yet unnamed — for his sacrifice and his noble qualities in upholding the standards of March City and quashing budding terrorist acts."

"You reckon they'll catch the terrorists soon?" she called over her shoulder.

There was no reply. When Ari scooted back on her chair into the living room, a new serving of lime sorbet on top of her existing raspberry scoop, her sister Mina was still working through the next media to phase through as part of her Prelim exam. Study cards aligned neatly on the table before her.


Mina looked up, startled brown eyes crossed in concentration. It was obvious none of the mandatory news reporting playing in the background entered her ears.


"In other news, First grade preliminary exams are ongoing this week in Area Three, with Domes One to Twenty occupied..."

"I—never mind."

"Sorry," Mina said with a sigh, gesturing at the metallic sheet in front of her. "This stainless steel always catches me. I've been trying for weeks."

"Are you still held up on the paper exams? It's fine if you don't do that great, you know." Ari slurped her sorbet. "I got us enough credits until the next routine exams. Or maybe the one after that."

Ari mixed the two together with a flurry and slurped the new concoction. Perfect.

"That's not it. I want to do well."

"Even if you score first, it doesn't change your ranking much," Ari said through a mouthful of sorbet.

"You don't understand." Mina's voice was tight. "You always do so well without studying. But I can't. I really want this."

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