Chapter 19

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Mason’s POV

I’ve yet to recover from the past incident, for it may be something I’ll never heal from. I’ve never loved anyone the way I have Ben. I know familial love for my mom. Friendly love for Carol. But never love love. Until Ben’s sexy-ass bumped into me while I was downtown. 

Now I’m left broken. Why didn’t Ben tell me who he was? It’s not like I would’ve treated him differently. But it was never my business to know. 

I don’t plan on going to college. I never did. I always felt like it wasn’t my cup of tea. I had a talk with mom a few months ago. She agreed with my decision but I had to get a job at some point. 

Within the weeks that Ben left, I’ve been getting texts left and right from people asking if it’s true. People from my old class are texting me saying that they always knew I was fruity. Some have tried to rekindle a friendship. Crazy how I was always ignored at school and now they want to know me.

I tried to get a job but everyday people would come in; news reporters, paparazzi, journalists, you name it. It got so bad they showed up at our house several times to ask for my side. 

I don’t have a side. Everything that was in that picture of Ben and I kissing says everything needed to be known. That I, Mason Howard, am sadly in love with Prince- well, now King Benjamin VIII.

Mom tried to get me to watch Ben’s coronation. It was airing everywhere. But I couldn’t watch it. Every time I saw Ben in his gown and a crown on his head, I saw a normal looking boy. A boy who gave me his jacket. Saved me from drowning. Saved me from the rain.

And saved me from loneliness. 

The discussion of Ben’s future wife was talked about a lot. I checked some conversations of people assuming he would marry a woman of royalty. And then some mentioned me. They’d wondered if Ben would marry a guy, a commoner. 

Trying not to care was the hardest thing. No matter what, I seem to break down crying 24/7. To the point where mom was concerned of my well being and mental health. Every night I slept with his jacket next to me. It still had his scent. And the flower crown I’ve been learning to grow them again.

And now I’m in bed for the fifth time today crying.

“Mase! Come down here!” Mom called out. She knows not to call me because I’m busy crying so this must be urgent. 

I got out of bed and began to walk down the stairs. I stumbled all the way down. Dehydration is no joke.

“Mmm. What mom?” I rubbed my eyes before opening them only to be met with a cardboard cutout of Ben. He was standing there smiling at me. 

I thought it must’ve been some cruel joke. At least they got the height right. And he isn’t wearing his royal attire. Just normal clothes, exactly how I remembered him. This is a really good cutout. But it still isn’t Ben himself.


When I knew it was actually Ben, the real Ben, I ran to him and gave him the tightest hug and cried into his shoulder.

“Mase!” He said. He rubbed my back while I cried into his. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. Then I bit Ben’s shoulder. “OW! Why’d you do that!!” We pulled apart while he laughed and rubbed his shoulder.

“I had to make sure you were real.” I sobbed. Ben pulled my neck up and planted a kiss. His kisses are perfect. I have nothing to compare them to. But I know they’re perfect.

“Does that prove I’m real?” He asked. I simply just gave him another hug. I can’t believe it. He’s here. In the flesh. I thought he was never going to see me but here he is. It doesn’t matter why he’s here. As long as I get a few more minutes with him.

“Why are you here?” I asked. Ben nodded to my mom. She had the biggest smile on her face. I’m guessing she was in on this. Ben held my hands and we sat on the couch. It was as if a storm that raged thunder had me backed into a dark corner of my mind and Ben came to chase away all my demons and lead me to a peace of mind.

I simply couldn’t stop touching his hand. God, I missed him so much. 

“I’m here because I love you, Mase.” He said.

“I love you too, Ben! I missed you so much!” I cried out, holding his hands tighter. 

“I came here because I love you. And I want you to be with me, Mase.” He said.

“Wait, you want me to move to Europe?” I asked. I don't have anything against Europe, but it’s a long way from Minnesota. 

“Yeah! I simply can’t be away from you. I know you’re the one. I already talked to mom and father and they’ve agreed to let me be with you.” He told me eagerly. He wants this as much as I do.

“I don’t know, Ben. What about mom? I can’t leave her.” I said. Mom stood by and watched all of this.

“Your mom can come visit us whenever she wants. And you can visit her. Or if she wants, she can move to Artois. We’ll give you two everything you need. All you have to do is say yes.” He explained.

I thought for a moment about it. If I agree to go to Artois with Ben, I get to be with him. That in itself would make me want to move. But I can’t leave mom. She’s all that I have.

“Mason, baby.” Mom said. She bent down in front of me and pushed her hair back. “It’s okay, baby. I’ll be fine. I’ll visit you every chance I get. And I might move there.” She had tears in her eyes. She knows how much I love Ben. She’s willing to give me up for me to be happy. “Do what makes you happy.” She said.

So you’re probably wondering what decision I made.

Well I wouldn’t be here packing my bags if I said no. I spent a week in Verona before I left just to say goodbye to as much as I could. I said bye to the school I went to, the diner where I would eat alone. The area behind the park fountain where I would spend all day crying after dad insulted me. 

“I can’t believe you landed an actual King! This is so unfair!” Carol said. I hugged her tight.

“Thank you for giving me a chance, Carol. I probably wouldn’t be here if you didn’t help me.” I said. Carol sighed and hugged me back.

“Hey, Mase.” She smirked at using my nickname. “Just as long as you visit us once in a while. And you better set me up with a royal person!” She said. We pulled away. I’ve never seen Carol cry. But today she was.

“I will, Carol. I’ll find the best prince for you.” I said. I picked up my bag and put it in the car. 

“Well this is goodbye, Mase. If there’s a wedding, I hope to be invited.” She said.

“You’ll be my groomswoman. Goodbye, Carol.” I said.

“Bye, Mase! I’ll miss you!” She yelled, her red hair swaying in the wind. I'm gonna miss her red hair and call her Ariel or Pippi Longstockings. I got into the car and turned to look at her as the car drove away. She waved goodbye as tears fell from both of us.

Mom decided to come with us for a week just to see if the country is good enough for me.

“I have so much planned for us, Mase. Museums, art shows, parades, and so much food!” Ben said. He had a look of eagerness that anyone can see. During the past few weeks, his face was blank. He tried to look happy but I never saw true happiness. But now I do.

Now we’re on our way to Artois. Where I can be with Ben finally. The love of my life.


last chapter coming up!

bye! i love you all!


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