Chapter 10

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Ben’s POV

Christ! I kissed him.

So I did what any person would do during an awkward moment.

I threw up.

“Ben!” Mason yelled as my vomit landed next to his shoes. 

“Whoops.” I drunkenly said and wiped my mouth. 

“You’re such a child. Let’s get you cleaned up.” He said. He carried me until we reached his home. We silently entered the house and carefully made our way to the second floor bathroom. 

“Let’s take this off.” Mase said. He took off my shirt and sat me next to the toilet.

 And then I passed out.

I woke up to a blinding light and a horrible headache. I groaned and realized I was only wearing boxers. Memories of the night before slowly were pieced together.

Shit! I kissed Mason. I tried really hard to remember what he did afterwards. He didn’t pull away. And then I threw up. I cringed for embarrassing myself in front of him. Very unroyalty of me.

“Ben, are you awake?” Mase asked from the closed door. I pulled up the blanket to cover myself. Then I thought, this is Mase. So I pulled the blanket lower to expose my body.

“I’m awake!” I yelled back. He opened the door and held a tray in his hands with breakfast.

“I brought you this to help with your hangover. I made French toast with some fruit and an omelet.” He said. I smiled at him as he sat the tray in my lap.

“How thoughtful of you.” I awed at Mase.

“It’s nothing. I’m sure you would do the same if I was passed out.” He said as his eyes trailed down my body and near my groin.

“Did I pass out?” I asked.

“Mmhmm. I cleaned you up and brought you to bed.” 

“Did anything happen last night?” I asked, trying to see if Mason remembered the kiss.

“Well…” He looked away, blushing. “Something did happen.” He said.

“Well what was it?” 

“Umm.” He stuttered. “You kissed me.” A moment of silence came down.

“I didn’t mean to do that.” I lied. “I guess it was just in the heat of the moment.” I replied.

“Yeah, I totally understand. No hard feelings, right?” He asked.

“For sure. Let’s just pretend nothing happened.” I said sadly. In truth, I hoped maybe he liked it. But to be fair, I kissed him out of nowhere. If he feels uncomfortable, then that’s valid.

“Want some French toast?” I asked him.

“Yeah. Hand some over.” He said.

We ate breakfast together. It’s like the kiss never happened. 

“Carol invited us to the theater. Wanna go together?” Mase asked.

“What movie is playing?” I asked.

“Honestly, who cares. I’ve been craving movie theater popcorn lately.”

“I’ve never had movie theater popcorn.” I said. “I’ve actually never been to a public theater.”

“Shut up! Seriously?” He was shocked.

“Yes. I had my own theater at home.”

“Well, you’re coming with me. You’ll see how us commoners like to watch movies.” Ben bit into my French toast.

Technically speaking, could this count as a date? I’ve never been on a date before. Father never allowed me to date young because he feared I would “lose my sanity around a woman”.

Like, mate, I was 13! I’m not focusing on having kids.

I already had to train to be king at a young age. Love was the last thing on my mind.

But I guess those roles are reversed right now.


bye! i love you all!


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