Nira Return

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Pulling up to parrains house I took a deep breath as I looked behind me at Nira. I could hear Billy rolling to the door I just couldn't look at him knowing what was sitting in my truck. As Billy open the door I slowly looked to Sam. He grabbed my hand and kissed it giving me a knowing look.
  The whole ride here was nothing but silence. Nira tried to talk to me but I just couldn't. She a stranger to me for one, and for two she hurt my family really bad. I slowly looked to my parrain that rolled out on to the porch and was looking at the truck in confusion.
  "Lets get this over with" I said as I open my door and stepped out and started walking to the porch. Sam met me at the front of the truck and grabbed my hand for us to walk together. When Nira stepped out of the truck I could hear the breath leave Billy's lungs and I squeezed Sam hand tighter. "I am sorry I did not say anything before. I didn't know if it was true or not and I didn't want to get your hopes upn"
  "This isn't on you pumkin, Nira as alive as ever" He spoke before turning and rolling back into the house . We followed behind him.
  "Dad whats going on?" Jacob asked walking into the living room.
  "No way my little bug is that big" He turned and looked at Nira with his jaw dropped before looking at the picture of her hanging on the wall holding him.
     "No your dead" she gave him a sad look. "If your standing here what about my mom" He asked and that when tears started rolling down my face as I watch the pain come over Jacobs face and when she shook her head no the emotions drop from his face. I knew in that moment it was like losing her all over again for him. He took off out of the house as Sam pulled me into his arms.
  "Lets sit and talk shall we" Parrain asked making me step back from Sam and whiped my eyes.
  "I know the story for the most part. If you like we can leave and give you both time" I said next thing I know I was being pulled on parrain lap and I laid my headd against his shoulder. Nira started telling him everything that Edward informed me. The whole time he was running one of his hands against my back keeping me calm.
  "So now what. We take your grave down say you faked your death" He asked her. I looked towards Sam who was sitting next to us and reached out. He grabbed my hand as I took a deep breath.
  "My body was never found. I was registered as a Jane doe two towns over. I ran. Memory lost that is finally coming back to me. Thats the story. It can be followed up." I rolled my eyes and stood up making Sam stand also.
  "I'm sorry I can't sit hear and listen to your lies. While you was off faking your death I grew up with out a mother. Rena saw to that as shs took Bella and ran off. Dad did everything for me. Still does he is the best father I could ask for. While you played in your little cabin in the woods I was sick battleing my own shit. Making things harder for him." Sam pulled me to him placing his hands on each side of my face.
  "Babygirl you need to calm down take a deep breath" I did as he said before he looked towards Billy. "I am going to take her home today was a little over whelming." He then proceeded to pick me up and Nira went to say something. "Don't you said enough and I don't care who you are. What you will not do is come in to her life and start trying to act like her mother."
  "I am her mother" I let out a deep growl at those words.
  "No your just the women who gave birth to her then abandon her before faking her own death" with that Sam qalked out of the house ans went set me in the truck before getting into the driver seat and driving us home. I knew deep down I would have to let Nira in one day, but something told me that I had time before that day come to play. I also knew Nira was going to have to talk to my dad and I wanted to be there with him him as support when that day comes. Just today was not that day and hopefully tomorrow was not that day either.
Hello everyone,
I know I know I been slacking 🙄😢 but I have my reasons. This chapter is the last of book two. I will be writting a 3 book that will have the new born battle in it. Though as we all know I have mixing thing up for sure. Love each and every one of you who has been supporting this story. I wouldn't be continuing writing if it wasn't for yall so thank you so much and hope yall have a good day.

My Alpha His Luna (new moon fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon