Learning the past

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  Open the cover of the book that was handed to me a I took a deep breath as I started reading it. I was confused at first. Everything looked nicely done like it was a published book. That is until I started reading abd notice it was a journal.
  I am wrinting this journal to document what I have learned with in these past couple of weeks. About how this world is not what we see it, and how this town will never be the same again. I guess I should start of with who am I. My name is Arabella Black and I am the daughter of Cheif Taha Aki grandaughter. My grandfather is the first known man who shift into a wolf of our tribe.So the legend say. Up until a week ago I would have said it was all made up, but strange things have been happening here. Things people wouldn't believe. Their another Legend that has been passed down. That I know believe is more of a prophecy. The tale of the one who lives many lives. She who is to come is she who will live many live to fight next to her child who  Protects leads, cares and loves her pack. I am unsure what that means, but I believe that this was not my first life and will not be my last. Not until what is told comes to play.

Page after page I turned and learn more andd more about Arabella. I didn't understand most I was reading, but what I do know if Arabella is the one who fights along the white wolf then I am the white wolf.
  "SORAYA!" I jumped and slammed the book close as I looked up at Sam who is watching me with a worried look.
  "Sorry sorry um. Whatever happen to the legend of the White Wolf?" Sam stops a second to think and gives me a confused look.
  "I uh I need to go see Carlise." I jumped up holding the book close to me. "If not him then Edward. How can a legend just disappear. A part of our history just gone yet I am holding it in my hand. Right here Sam." I said as I held the book up. "None of it make since" Sam raised his hand and steps cautiously towards me.
  "Love take a deep breath your shaking. How about you finish reading the book first then we will go meet them at the line." Shaking my head I disagree with what he said before grabbing my keys and darting out the door. "SORAYA!" He called after me.
  "Call them let them know I am on my way." I called out of my truck window as I backed out of our drive and started heading to the Cullens.
  As soon as I pulled up to their house they where all standing outside waiting. Bella even stood next to Edward all which should have been at school. I took a deep breath as I stepped out of the truck holding the book. Edward stepped forward as soon as he saw the book Bella not far behind him.
  "They should of never gave you that." He snapped making me roll my eyes.
  "No you should have. As soon as you found out I was the damn white wolf" His eyes widen as he stepped back. "Wait you didn't know?" I looked at the rest.
  "We never seen your wolf you where always ridding one of the boys." Carlise said "but I had a feeling. You was either recarnations of Arabella the white wolf protector who also can shift and is Luna of the pack or you where the true Luna the White Wolf."
  "What is going on?" Bella asked
  " You do not talk. You need to leave because what about to be discussed has nothing to do with you." I snapped at her making her roll her eyes and cross her arms.
  "You know she right Edward" Rosalie spoke up. "This isn't something Bella needs to know. It is to risky." Edward looked like he was in shock as he looked down then glance back at Rosalie.
  "When will you get over your hate for me I am part of this family to" Bella said glaring at Rosalie.
  "You will never be part of my family Bella just a danger to it" Rosalie held her hand out to me and motion for me to follow which I did once I placed my hand into her. "I need you to take a deep breath for me your close to a panic attack dear" She says as she leads me into the house. Every one but Edward and Bella following.
  "Get a glass of water Jasper." Jasper nod and went do so as I was set on the sofa then sitting around.
  "Edward is bring her to school once he returns we can start. Would you like anything to eat dear while waiting?" I shook my head no at Esme question as I took a deep breath. Jasper handed me a glass of water and I nod in thanks.
  "He shouldn't be much longer Bella not to happy" Alice said making me roll my eyes.
15 minutes later Edward walked in and his eyes went straight to me. "Have you read it all?"
  "No it's very confusing." A grin appeared on his face at my words as Rosalie chuckled.
"Ara loved talking in riddles" Emmett said.
  "How come no one in the pack remembers the legand? It was never told to us." Edward when stand by the large glass wall and looked out into the forest.
  "That is the way Arabella wanted it. To keep you safe when you appeared. The white wolf is not just a legend of your pack but of all shifters. It was found out that the one who shift into the white wolf can shift into anything. She not just the Luna of wolves but of all shifters and Arabella is not just a wolf shifter she is the Godess of shifters." He glances over his shoulder at me.
  "Arabella is the reincarnation of the Moon goddess with in your wolf but she has other names for other shifters." Carlise spoke making me look at him.
  "And who am I?" I asked looking between all of them.
  "A replication of who she is." Edward said lowly and if I did not have my wolf hearing I would not of heard.
  "The only way to get someone like her is by her having a child" Carlise said making my heart speed up. My chest tighten and I could pull air into my lungs. "She having a panic attack" Carlise stood to his feet and sped in front of me as everything went black.
I hope yall enjoy this part. As you can see there is something that is brewing.

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