Brewing of a storm

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  That night after my father left I got  phone call. It seems my father had caught Bella in the act of sneaking her boyfriend in.
  Dad was far from happy with this act. He couldn't understand why Bella decided to go against every rule or punishment he put into place.
  The next day he set up camera around the house. Without telling Bella. In fear of the supernatraul being found out I ended up on the boarder of our lands. I set on Sam back as he was in his wolf form waiting for the Cullens to appear.
  Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper and Alice where the ones to meet us. I could tell Alice was still bumbed that I wont allow her to help plan my wedding or even be there. Jasper watched us with caution with a slight tilt to his head. I always found he had this wild look with in his eyes. Where people assume it was pain I saw deeper then just the pain he was in when humans where around. Emmett stood with his arms cross is muscles rippling with any slight movement he made and Rosie in all her beaty stood tall and proud yet deep down I can see how broken she truly was.
  "I got your message" Rosalie said as she step closer to the line.
  "You need to warn your brother the late night stops to my dad has to end. My father put camera up to watch the house. You all are walking a dangerous line with keeping Bella around. I know you all did not choice this life and you all try yall best to respect human life unlike most of your kind. Don't let him throw away the hard work you have done." I spoke strongly as I glanced at each one of them. I could see the confusion in each of their eyes as they glance at each other.
  "Why are you helping us you hate us" Alice voice rang like bells through the air. I sigh and petted Sam neck who was watching them like a hulk. I knew the rest of the pack was hidden behind us in the forest on alert.
  "Alice hate is a strong word. Each one of you helped me in different ways since you all moved back here. You say I hate you because I refuse your help for my wedding. You have to understand Lapush is my home which you can not walk on. If your secret get out then our secret is not far behind." At my words she looked down.
  "Is it true?"Rosalie asked making me look to her with a tilt of my head in confusion. "Bella all that she has done" I gave her a sad smile.
  "Bella says I am the reason her mom and my dad split. Even though I was just a baby. Charlie after one of there many fights got drunk and slept with his bestfriend who he loved. When it was found out Renee was pregnant they wanted to work things out. My mother didnt want to come between them but after losing her father and not getting the love her life got into drugs. She wanted me to be raised knowing my dad. The truck that Bella was using is a truck that was given to me to fix up. My dad felt bad that he couldn't afford her a truck. I offer to let her use mine but it turned in to her useing it and never letting me use it. Bella is manipulative and I do hope each of you is smarter then she is to see that. I don't know how vampire work but I do know a imprint." I smiled as I pet Sam neck. "Is someone you would do anything for. I see in each of you that you would do anything for your mate. Do you see Bella doing that for Edward? We already know he would for her but somethingvlike this is never one sided."I went to lead Sam back toward our house with a tug of his hair.
  "Wait!" Rosalie stepped forward again a little close to the line. Paul and Jared step out of hiding with a mence growl until I held up my hand making then settle down. Alice went to step forward but Jasper wrapped his arm around the front of her waist stoping her as Emmett  pulled Rosalie back. They watched the other two that joined us with fear in their eyes.
  "Settle boys" The both layed down on each side of Sam. "Sorry they are a bit protective." I chuckled sending them a small smile.
  "Carlise wanted me to give you this. He said last time we met you seemed interested in the legacy of the Luna." She places the book on the ground at the line. Sam laid down so I could climb off his back and walk forward to collect it.
  "Why does he have this book and not my people?" I asked as I picked the book up.
  "Your answer are with in the book" Jasper spoke. "Arabella is someone this family knew very well once upon a time before me and Alice joined. It is because of her the treaty was able to be made."
  "She was my bestfriend."Rosalie said sadly. "You remind me of her" I made my way back to Sam who was still laying and climbed back onto his back.
  "A storms is coming." Alice spoke sending me a nod. "Please reach out once you have finish the book. Edward would be mad if he knew we handed you the book."
  "A storm is always coming Alice. No matter how prepare we try to be." I said before tapping Sam side. He took of running back to the house. 
  Sam laid down in the back yard as Leah ran out to meet me. We had wedding planning to do. I kept the book close to me the whole day as we made phone calls to get the planning started for the wedding. Kim arrived at the house  around noon almost running right in to Jared who froze on the spot as he looked into her eyes. A bright smile appeared on my face as I went introduce my self to her. Kim was now family and will one day learn the truth. All because Jared imprinted on her.  Whatever faith has instore for us is unknown. I refuse to let the doom and gloom rain on my parad as I prepare to walk down the Isle.

I know another update so soon. I am just loving the feed back I am getting from every one. It makes me want to write more and more so that what I am doing. Hope everyone enjoys there of course more to come. I felt this interaction was needed between the Pack and Cullens. I have a very surpising twist in store. A lot of stuff is about to play out before their big day. I plan to leave this book off with the wedding. Then I don't know if Eclispe will be played out or not. No worries though I am will be posting another book with Soraya but with the twist and turns that I have plan I don't think it will be the same battle or reason for battle in eclispe. Guess we will have to see how everything plays out lol.

My Alpha His Luna (new moon fanfiction)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα