A/N (again)

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Hey lovelies! I am so so sorry that i haven't updated in like over two months... I've just been binge watching shows and just taking a break from things all together.

However I do have some chapters upcoming soon, well whenever I can be bothered to actually continue them but I promise I will be back soon I just don't have a like definite date or anything so just keep an eye out...

I have a Debbie x Tammy chapter in the works that I think you guys will like (well here's hoping) but I'm also trying to think of other scenarios and stuff so it's not like repetitive with like the rough smut because as we all know it's my favourite kind of smut... but I'm hoping to do some Loubbie chapters in the future and maybe a Debbie, Lou and Tammy chapter depending on if I can find the right scenario.

Anyway I think you get the gist of what I'm trying to say but as always take care and stay safe!

Love C x

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