Is this what love feels like? - Lou Miller

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This is going to be a long one since I haven't written a Lou story in a while and I'm excited. I've been working on this for the last week and a half so I hope it's good *4113 words apologies...*


You met Lou roughly a year and a half ago when you started working at her bar, You moved into Lou's loft nine months ago when things got rough where you were living due to the neighbours, there was always fights and break in's you name it it was all happening but this particular night you to beat up pretty badly and you ended up in hospital.

You had phoned Lou personally and said to her you needed a sick day but she wasn't going to let you take it until you had explained you were in hospital she came to see you and when she realised the severity of your living situation she told you that you were going to live with her, to be honest you didn't put up much of a fight as you needed to move out of there anyway.

Once she left you in the hospital she said she was going to run an errand but you knew in the back of your mind that had she visited your neighbour and you were not sure what she had done because she never brought it up and you didn't dare to ask.

You always knew Lou was extremely overprotective and wouldn't think twice about killing someone if they hurt any one of her friends or anyone she liked.

As I already said you live in the loft with Lou but Lou's best friend Debbie lives with you both, she only got out of prison last year so staying with Lou is the best thing as it's basically in the middle of nowhere so no one knows where she is.

Debbie is in a relationship with Tammy and they have been for a year now, they got into a relationship as soon as Debbie got out of prison. They had some one night stands before Deb got sent away (yes she cheated on Claude but I mean let's be real who wouldn't? We don't normally condone cheating but we support this)


I woke up at seven-thirty my usual time I just lay in bed for a while my whole body feels exhausted. I practically had to drag myself downstairs for coffee.

I'm sitting in the living room on my phone making Station 19 and Grey's Anatomy edits. It's peaceful sitting downstairs this morning as Debbie is away with Tammy I think they are at the holiday home. Deb's family used to own the place but it got handed down to her when her brother Danny died.

I hear shuffling down the stairs I swivel my head around to see Lou coming down the stairs and the sight of her gives me immediate butterflies.
She is wearing a pair of black shorts and a black vest top her hair is slightly messed up and her bangs are covering her eyes. My eyes unintentionally followed her from the stairs to the kitchen not looking away once.

Lou: Take a picture love it'll last longer (she laughed)

Y/N: Oh- Uh- sorry Lou apologies

Lou: Hey I'm only kidding and don't worry I like it, I think it's cute

I couldn't form a sentence I'm trying my hardest not to look at her. Lou knows exactly how nervous I get around her as I have a huge crush on her, She loves teasing me for it too. Even just as friends Lou always makes me feel like I'm the only girl anywhere I go, she treats and makes me feel like no one has ever done before.

She always gives me her whole attention no matter where or who we are with, it's truly amazing but I don't think she is ready for a relationship yet, well we have kind of spoken about the topic before because we kiss all the time and we are very touchy with each other (well whenever Deb isn't around) we just haven't had sex we have come close to it a few times but I stupidly stopped her.

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