Chapter Two: A Taste of The Sky

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I don't remember much from after the flight, since I had fallen asleep, but I remember my mom calling for a taxi and us driving to our new apartment, me sitting in the backseat beside my mom who was resting her head on my shoulder, as I watched the city through the window late at night. The dullness of the dark night was broken by the bright lights of the city; The traffic lights and the headlights of the many cars on the highway. The brightness dimmed as I slowly shut my eyes. I drifted into sleep, and suddenly, my mom was tugging on my sleeve to wake up. "Huh? Where are we? What time is it?" I mumbled half asleep, squinting my eyes.

"We're outside our new home," My mom answered. I looked out the car door and I saw my mom standing outside on the pathwalk, behind her was an apartment. I was trying to tell her that apartments suck, but I was too tired to say anything so instead I just mumbled gibberish. My mom dragged me into the building and talked to the receptionist. I'm guessing I fell asleep again because I don't remember anything after that. And now, I'm sitting on the floor of a one bedroom apartment trying to figure out if I should text Ivy or not.

"Abby! Breakfast is ready," My mom called me from the kitchen. Instead of getting up, I continued to sit there on the floor. I was still wearing my dark blue hoodie with a pink care bear on it (her name is cheer bear) that I had been wearing yesterday, and my shoulder length brown hair was in a messy ponytail. I sighed and got up, sluggishly walking to the kitchen. I sat down on one of the three wooden stools. In front of me, there was a plate and fork placed on the marble island. The plate was full of 3 waffles glazed with maple syrup, and 2 crispy pieces of bacon, the grease shone from the kitchen light.

"Wow, this is a lot of food... Normally you just toast a piece of bread and call it breakfast," I said jokingly. My mom smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Well, today is a special day! It's our first day in our new home." My mom smiled; The morning sunlight shone through the window of the apartment, reflecting on her glasses, making her brown eyes look peanut butter hazel. I smiled back at her.

My mom is quite young actually, she turned 38 only 3 months ago. My mom was only 13 years old when she had my older brother, and she met my dad 7 years after that. They had me when my mom was 21 and my dad was 26. 4 years after my brother died, they had a divorce. Sometimes I feel sorry for myself, for how hard of a life I have. My brother died when I was 10, my parents are divorced, I have no friends, my girlfriend doesn't know the real me, and now I'm living in a new city. But my mom has been through so much more than me... I'm lucky compared to her.

My mom poured me a glass of orange juice and placed it beside me as I picked up my fork and scooped a chunk out of my waffle. I munched down on my breakfast and drank the orange juice after. I burped as I put down my glass.

"I'm so full," I groaned as I leaned back on the wooden stool. My mom chuckled to herself and grabbed the dirty dishes from the counter and put them in the sink. I looked around and noticed a few cardboard boxes placed on the ground, one of them was empty and the label said "Dishes". "When did you start unpacking?" I asked my mom.

"Oh I just unpacked the dishes this morning so I could make you breakfast," She replied. "But today you're going to help me unpack, okay?" My mom demanded. I sighed.

"Come on, tomorrow is the last day of summer! Can't we start unpacking when I start school again?" I pleaded.

"No." My mom stated. I didn't want to argue with her so I just sighed and got up. I looked at each of the boxes, reading their labels, until I saw a box with the label "Abby" on it. I snatched it from the ground; Carrying it, I clumsily walked over to me and my mom's bedroom.

I placed it on my bed and ripped the tape off. I looked through it, trying to find my book. After moving a few things around I finally found it. In big lettering placed across the cover, it read: "Little Women by Louise May Alcott". I squealed with excitement as I read the title in my head. What a romantic book it is, a real work of art. I sighed and pushed the cardboard box off my bed, flopping down on the messy covers. I opened the book to the page I was on, but then suddenly the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" I heard my mom say as I watched her pass by my door. I sighed and got up, curious about who was at the door. I put the book on my bed and walked to my door. Peeping through the crack of the door, I noticed a delivery guy giving my mom a package. I kept thinking what it could be as my mom shut the door.

She walked to the kitchen and placed the box on the counter. I popped out of my room.

"What's that?" I asked her curiously.

"Your school uniform I ordered," My mom replied, somewhat calmly.

"No... Please don't tell me I'm going to a private school" I gasped.

"A preparatory school actually,"

"But that's not fair!" I frowned.

"Do you know how much preparatory school costs?" My mom scoffed. "You should be grateful to have such a good education," She countered. I groaned and went back to my room, as my mom grabbed my uniform from the box. I scoffed as I left. I walked over to my bed and grabbed my phone from my pocket. I noticed a notification popped up on my screen. " 1 new text message from Ivy," I thought as I read it. I unlocked my phone and opened messages. "Do you wanna hang out today? (P.s. I love you xoxo)" The message read, and I stood there remembering Ivy still doesn't know I'm in New York right now. I sighed and called her. Ivy instantly picked up.

"Hey Abby! I'm guessing you saw my text? Do you want to hang out?" Ivy said excitedly.

"Hey Ivy... I need to tell you something," I mumbled.

"Oh yeah for sure! What's the matter?" Ivy asked. I sighed and bit my lip; I paused for a second.

"I moved yesterday night. I'm in New York right now." I finally replied.

"WHAT?!" Ivy said in pure shock, "I thought you were leaving in two days!" Ivy pouted. I exhaled and explained everything that had happened. After I told her everything, she sighed. "I have been meaning to tell you something," Ivy said.

"Okay... What's up?" I replied. Ivy sighed sadly.

"Honestly I don't want to do this, and I love you so so much Abby. But I feel like... you don't love me anymore," Ivy said. It went silent for a moment.

"I- that's- that's not true Ivy," I responded nervously. Ivy didn't reply. "Ivy? Are- are you there?"

"I knew it." I heard Ivy mumbled kind of sadly.

"You knew what?" I asked.

" I was right Abby. You don't love me." Ivy answered. " I understand, but if you don't feel the same way I do I think we should-" Ivy paused.

"Break up?" I responded. "It's okay Ivy. I do love you Ivy, but I don't think long distance would work. I think we should break up too." I uttered nervously. Ivy sniffed her running nose as she weeped.

"Goodbye Abby. I love you and I'm sorry we didn't work out," Ivy whimpered in a hushed tone as she hung up. I stood there, disappointed but not surprised. I knew I would get my heartbroken and I did. Ivy blocked my number after that, so now we have no way to communicate. That night, as I tried not to cry, my mom asked me what was wrong. I didn't reply. Laying there on my bed, I prayed I would fall asleep before I could fall apart. 

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