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Alya's pov~

When the contractions hit me again, it Was impossible to hold my scream. Letting out a bellowed shout, I tightened my fingers around Alessio 's hand. Maybe I was crushing them impossibly tight. I even caught him wincing a few times.

I didn't have the time to care when I felt another pain in my lower belly. It felt like my stomach was going to burst open any second now.

Ouch. Ahhhh.."I cried out as another contraction hit. This time, I was full-on sobbing. "It hurts... I moaned, trying to find Alessio's face through my blurry vision.

When something cold touched my forehead, I sighed. So soothing. Maddie had been doing this for a while now.

Only Alessio and Maddie were with me in the delivery room. Not that it stopped the others from bursting into the room whenever I screamed.

Shit. Is it time? Viktor practically broke the door in his haste.

No. She still isn't fully dilated," Maddie replied, sounding tired.

Oh, okay, " he muttered, closing the door again.

Alessio, it hurts...too much.. I huffed as I felt another contraction coming.

lt's okay. Breathe. Breathe. Ivy said breathe, he said stiffly. I could hear the fear and panic in his voice. His voice was too low...too soft for my liking.

The pain hit me harder than before, and I screamed yet again, bearing dowm at the pain

His voice was next to my ear. "Breathe, Ayla. Breathe."

"I am breathing!" I screamed at him. Anger suddenly swelled inside of me, and I gripped his hand harder.

He hissed

Alya that hurt? Huh? Huh?

I was pushing his baby out of my vagina, and he was complaining about his hand?

I tightened my fingers even more, maybe too much.

'Alessio!" I hissed angrily.

Weren't my contractions coming too hard and too fast?

Alessio was saying something incorrigible, and I heard Maddie arguing with him. My ears couldn't make out the words. The pain was too much.

When Alessio let go of my hand, I wanted to cry. Why did he let my hand go? Was I too mean?

No. Come back!

Opening my eyes, I saw Alessio pacing the length of the room. He gripped his hair tight in frustration, and I suddenly felt bad for taking my anger out on him.

For the first time, I noticed that his suit jacket was no longer on. His tie hung loosely around his neck, and the first two butons of his shirt were open. His hair lay on his forehead, and sweat masked his skin. QHe looked as tired as I felt. Like he was feeling my pain.

"Where is Ivy?" he growled for the hundredth time.

Ivy came and went a few times. But because I wasn't ready and Princess wasn't ready to make her appearance yet, she went to check up on her other patients.

"Alessio, can you help me up?"I croaked out. My throat felt dry from hour of screaming out my pain.

His head snapped to me, and his eyes met mine. Those intense blue eyes never failed to get all my attention, even when I was in impossible pain.

Ivy said I could walk around; it might make the labor go and that was exactly what I was going to do.

The little smart princess was coming out of me soon, whether she liked it or not

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