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Ayla's pov~

The sound of the door opening brought me out of my slumber. I saw Alessio coming to the side of the bed. He blended almost fully into the darkness, but I saw him. I felt him.

He didn't touch me. I thought he would take me in his arms, but I never felt his warmth. Alessio was silent while I kept my eyes closed, waiting for him. When I felt him move, T looked to find him walking away. My heart drummed, feeling his loss.

The air felt heavy around us. Alessio's shoulders were hunched together, like he was in pain. I didn't like that. Alessio's pain was my pain. I watched him go into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. I waited for a few seconds, my fingers itching to touch him, to feel him, to hold him.

When I couldn't bear it any longer, I threw the covers away and struggled out or bed. it came to a point where it was harder to get up from liying down. I padded to the bathroom quietly. My fingers stayed on the door knob, deciding if I should give Alessio privacy. My mind told me yes, but my heart refused. It pulled me inside, telling me to hold Alessio. To give him comfort.

I didn't know what was eating him from the inside, but I had to take it away. His back was to me when I walked inside. Alessio heard me, but he stayed still. His hands were against the walls, his head hung low. Alessio had his shirt removed, but he still wore his pants.

I watched the water cascade around him as l removed my dress. Dropping it on the floor, my eyes moved to his discarded shirt. It was black, the same color he always wore. I licked my lips nervously when I saw the wet patches. I couldn't see the color, but I knew it was blood.

My heart stuttered at the sight, and my eyes moved back to the man in front of me. Alessio Ivanshov was the man I loved. Whether he was a monster, a heartless killer, or my sweet lover, I loved all sides of him. Every side of him was what made him Alessio. He wouldn't be the man I loved if he wasn't the killer.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped inside the shower. Alessio's shoulders tightened, but he didn't move. The water was freezing cold, so I quickly turned the tap to the warm side. My hand came in contact with his cold skin, my body moving closer to his.

"Alessio? He didn't face me. "Alessio, look at me. Alessio leaned heavily against the wall, and I moved even closer. "Please, Alessio," I begged. As soon as the word please was out of my mouth, he swiveled around, facing me. His expression was pained, like he was battling something in his mind.

Without a word, I palmed his cheeks and peppered his face with kisses. With each kiss, I showed him my love. No words were needed. I just held him. I loved him with my touch. Standing on my toes, I kissed his closed lids and then his forehead. Alessio released a shaky breath, his shoulder slumping in what looked like defeat.

I hugged him to me. My pregnant belly was in the way, but I was still able to lay my head on his chest. His steady heartbeat drummed in my ears, and I placed a kiss on his chest, right over his beating heart.

"I missed you, Alessio," I whispered the truth. My fingers rubbed over his skin lovingly as he hugged me back, his arms wrapping around me tightly.

His breath left his chest in a loud whoosh as he crushed my body to his. I felt his lips on my ear. "I love you, Angel," he whispered harshly. "I love you so fucking much" I felt giddy at hi declaration of love. A small serene smile touched my lips as our lips met, it felt like fireworks. We created magic as our lips moved against each other. I kissed him with everything I had. Slow and deep at first, our tongues moved together in a mating dance.

Alessio groaned against my lips as he deepened the kiss even further. He angled my head to the side before nipping at my lips. My fingers gripped his hair, pulling him more into me. I was going to show Alessio how much I loved him. Our harsh breathing filled the shower as we pulled away. Alessio bent his head for another kiss, but I stepped back. His raised his eyebrows when my hands went to his belt.

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