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Ayla's pov~

My water broke. I could hear the excitement in my voice as I waited for
their reacion.

There was about five seconds of shock and silence before everyone exploded together.



We're not fucking ready!

"Oh dear.

"Oh my God!

You are not due for another two days!

That last one was Alessio. For the first time, he appeared almost speechless. He looked at me like I had grown two heads. Actually, all the men had the same expression on their faces.

Viktor looked like he was about to faint. Nikolay was practically ready for make a run for it. Phoenix was already taking a few steps back.

We're not ready. we're not ready. The baby isn't supposed to come out now. Ivy said so! Another two days. We have another two days, Ayla!" Alessio rambled.

His eyes were filled with fear when he palmed my very pregnant belly. There was a hard kick, one that I felt in my lower stomach, and my back contracted

Ouch," I muttered, rubbing the sore spot. Are you having any contractions? Lena asked, pushing Alessio away.

Alessio glowered before coming to stand in front of me.

"No. Nothing yet. My water broke about twenty minutes ago. Or a little less," I explained.'ll probably start your contractions before you reach the hospital," she continued.

I nodded in understanding. "How bad will it be?"

While speaking. my gaze stayed on Alessio.

"It's different for everyone, dear. I can't say for sure."

I hummed in response, watching my man silently freak out at the thought or his wife giving birth. He was already sweating heavily, and I noticed his hands shaking at his side.

Placing a hand out, I waited for Alessio to take it. When he did, I pulled him to me. My rounded belly was cradled against Alessio's lower abdomen as I hugged him.

"I'm going to be fine. You need to breathe or you're going to pass out, and I can't have you passing out on me, Alessio, I said sourly against his chest. I could feel Lena and Maddie at my side. They were practically plastered against me, not that I was complaining. I was glad for their support. I needed it more than I would admit.

Alessio's arms went around me, hugging me tight. I felt him relax as he breathed out. With my ear over his chest, I could hear and feel his pounding heart. It matched my own.

I was a nervous wreck inside-panicking but trying to act as calm as I could lf everyone else was freaking out, they needed someone to be calm. It appeared that the pregnant lady herself was going to be the peacemaker.

I'm Okay. For now. we Just need to get  to the hospital.

What's wrong? Alessio's eyes went even wider with panic. He pulled me closer and pointedly looked at Viktor.

"Get the car," he demanded.

Viktor stared at me, not moving an inch. I think he's in shock, "I whispered to Alessio

"Viktor!" Alessio bellowed this time. I winced and sighed at the catastrophe
In front of me.

Viktor snapped back to the present, tripped over his own feet, broke Lena's favorite vase, and went down in a heap.

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