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Alya's pov~

I  jumped in fright when a sudden knock sounded on the door. I was too tensed, my muscles locked tight.

"That's him," Alessio muttered before calling out. "Come in!"

I stood, staring at Alessio as the door opened. He gave me a small smile and tuned me around so I was facing Isaak.

"Hey," Isaak started with a tight smile. He looked really nervous. His hands were fisted by his sides, and he fiddled around on his feet. It was a once-in-a-lifetime type sight. Tobsee a man like him nervous.

"Hi," I replied almost timidly.

Alessio walked us to the couch and sat down before pulling me on his lap. He settled me sideways, his hands drawing circles over my rounded belly. I breathed out a sigh or relief and stared at Isaak expectantly.

He swallowed again and looked around before moving his gaze Dack to me. This is going to sound crazy, and you might even hate me after this, but l think you need to know. I need to tell you. Its driving me fucking insane keeping it inside for so long." he started.

Whatever it is, I'm sure it's going to be okay, I replied, trying to make him as comfortable as I could.

After my years of torture, I had learned that it was easier to see the positive in things. Let the wave of negativity flow around you but never let it affect you. I guessed I was my own medicine.

My eyes caught Alessio. His attention was already on me or maybe he was my medicine. I smiled internally at the thought. My savior. I had the sudden urge to kiss him again but quickly bit on my lips and tried to concentrate on Isaak again.

When Isaak started talking. I didn't have to force my attention anymore. He had my full attention. My breath hitched as he continued his story. My heart ached with each word, and tears slid down my cheeks.

Alessio caught them for me. He soothed me with his touch. But every word Isaak uttered, it broke my heart further. When he was done speaking. he let out a loud breath and stared at me, watching my reaction. I sat still and stared back in shocK.

My throat closed as I tried to speak. "You knew my mom?

He nodded.

You loved her?" He nodded again, a wave of pain crossing his face.

My eyes blurred with tears. "I can't remember you."

"Of course, you can't. You were only a year old," he replied gently.

My heart stuttered at his fatherly voice.

"But I wish I could remember you, I whispered. "You were more a father to me than my own ever was. You cared for me when he didn't."

I always cared for you, Ayla. Since the very first time I laid eyes on you. Even when I thought you were dead, I still loved you. You were my daughter.

I sniffed and choked back a sob. How long had I craved to hear words lIke these? To have a father who loved and protected me?

For years, l dreamed of my father looking at me with soft eyes...if only just once. But he never did. He treated me as if I didn't even exist. But this man standing in front of me, he was looking at me with the love my father should have had for me.

I stood up from Alessio's lap and went to Isaak. He straightened up instantly, standing to his full height.

"I never had a father," I said, stopping in front of him. "I prayed and wished that I did, but that never happened. I didn't have anyone. Before he could move a muscle, I wrapped my ams around him in a hug. He was startled, freezing in shock. "What I didn't realize was that I had a father, loving me from afar. Isaak sighed, sagging with relief. I felt every tense muscle in his body relax, and he slowly brought his arms up, hugging me tignt.

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