Chapter 17: Luis's Date with Centorea

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(3rd POV)

It has been 3 days since Riley got his right arm and left leg bitten off by the Heartless Cotar the Carnotaurus and now, his best friend Ethan is at the hospital's waiting room all sad along with the others worried about Riley, especially Miia.

Miia is crying as she said, "This is so tragic! (sniff) Darling got attacked by a monster and bit his arm and leg off!"

Miia cries about what has happened to her own Darling and then, Chewie whimpers as he gives Miia a tissue box.

She said, "Thank you, Chewie. (sniff) I really needed that."

Miia blows her nose as Suu and Papi are sitting down all sad, Rachnera reading an inappropriate magazine, and Mr. Stretch playing a sad tune with a violin. But Centorea took the magazine and threw it in the trash and crushed a violin with one of her hooves.

(After the Violin is over)

Mr. Stretch yelled, "Hey!"

Rachnera asked, "What's the big idea!?"

Centorea said, "You shouldn't be reading anything lewd in public at all, Rachnera. And as for you Mr. Stretch, we're at a hospital and we don't want to disturb all the sick patients."

Ethan is looking down to the floor all sad.

Mero came up to him and asked, "Are you still upset about what happened to Sir Riley, my Dear Prince?"

Ethan said in a sad tone, "Yeah. But did you guys see the way of what happened to Riley? (covers his face with his hands) I have never seen my best friend like this at all!"

Centorea walked up to him and said, "We all have. When the six of you are dealing with a Dryad incident-"

Papi said, "Kii!"

Centorea said, "My apologies, Papi. When the six of you are dealing with Kii, the monster that Luis and Miss Smith have informed us about bit off both of Master Riley's arm and leg."

Ethan said, "Luis even said that the Old Fossil wants all humans dead, along with demi-humans that love them."

Chewie, Mr. Stretch, and the girls asked in shocking tones, "Dead?!?!"

Mr. Stretch asked, "As in...(created a tombstone replica made out of clay-like object)"

Ethan said, "Yes. Like that. (sighed as he looked back down all sad) First, I got involved with a Sea Witch and now, Riley has gotten involved with a blood thirsty dinosaur? Riley and I apply to the program to have better lives, not to cause so much chaos."

Miia slithered straight to him and said, "Ethan. (bends down and hugs him) I know you and Darling very well and how you both said that you two wanted to meet all demi-human species when you both came to Japan."

Rachnera said, "Yeah. I even heard that before some of us met you and Honey, especially me, you always have a wish to meet a mermaid the most and to-"

She was cut off by Ethan giving her a dragon death glare.

Mero calmed him down and said, "What Lady Rachnera was trying to say is that you and Sir Riley are the kindest and sweetest gentlemen that all of us have ever met. (puts her hand on Ethan's back as she smiles brightly) Please, don't put yourself down."

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