Chapter 10: a Man with a Dark Perverted Purpose

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(3rd POV)

Somewhere at the warehouse, a group of thieves are gathering their stolen items in one place from banks and jewelry stores.

Thief 3 said, "Oy, we sure have stolen something very rare tonight huh?"

Thief 4 said, "We sure have. Everyone else is sleeping like nothing but pathetic babies."

All the other thieves laughed at that comment while a mysterious monster figure dashed by without any of them knowing.

The thieves' leader said, "Alright men, it's time that we all celebrate the best night that we all had. (Raises a bottle of beer) To our greatest heist!!"

All the other thieves raised their beer and yelled, "To our greatest heist!!"

They were all about to drink their beer until the power went out.

The thieves gasped as some of them dropped their bottles of beer to the ground.

The thieves' leader got mad as he yelled, "Alright, who turned off the lights!! If none of you idiots aren't busy, GO FIX THE GENERATOR!!!! You two get the tools!"

One of them grabbed the tool box and then, he made his way to the generator but got snatched away into the darkness.

The other thieves gasped because of it as one of them asked, "What was that?"

The metal poles fell as they made some clanging noises. The thieves turned on the flash lights and got their guns ready as they began to search the warehouse. The monstrous figure climbed really fast at the ceiling and then, the thieves saw some claw marks there. A big reptilian claw snatches one of the thieves as he screams for life.

The Thieves' Leader yelled, "WHO ARE YOU?! SHOW YOURSELF COWARD!!!!"

One of the thieves got scared as he said, "I know who it is. It must be the Dragon of Osaka and he's here to punish us for praying on the weak!! It's him!"

The thief with a pistol said, "What are ya? Chicken? We all know that there may be those disgusting creatures living in our society now. But that dragon that you mention is nothing but a myth!"

The thieves leader said, "Damn straight!! And we don't know why they bother letting those freaks live with us!! And whoever this so-called Dragon is, he'll be dead when we get our hands on him!! Now, who's with me?!"

He turned back and he realized his men were gone but except one.

Cowardly thief said, "L-Look! This may sound like I'm making it up!! But I'm telling you the truth!! He's after us!!"

He screamed as their unconscious friend fell from above as he got scared even more.

He screamed, "I just remembered something, I have a dentist appointment tomorrow!!"

He ran away as his leader yelled, "Come back here!!"

The coward screamed, "YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN, BOSS!!!!"

The thieves' leader yelled, "Show yourself!! DO YOU REALIZE ON WHO YOU'RE DOING WITH?!?!?!"

After he walks, a mysterious figure opens its reptilian eyes and lets out a menacing growl as it walks behind the thieves leader.

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