Chapter 9, New house rule

Start from the beginning

"She talked to me earlier," I admitted. "She broke up with Danny."

"What?" Loki was as surprised as I had felt. The two of them had been perfect for each other as their friendship had slowly grown into something deeper.

"I just feel like I have no choice but to be with Danny, you know?" Carter had confided in me.

"But I thought you really liked him?"

"I did, I do! But he was the only boy of the same age on the island and I was the only girl because Kyra is so much younger. It wasn't exactly as if we had options. And I think that if I stay with Danny now, I'll always wonder if he's with me because I'm the only one available to him."

"You know that's not true, he cares deeply for you," I argued.

"Perhaps, but it's not like he's had a chance to meet someone better, has he? Nor will he ever."

Carter wasn't wrong of course, as far as the outside world was concerned, the island and the people on it didn't exist anymore.

"I just don't want my first and only relationship ever to be by default."

"You two were dating for a while, what brought this on now?"

"I've had doubts ever since I was admitted to OOU, it isn't easy being able to leave when he has to stay. Danny doesn't want to show it because he was really happy for me when I was admitted, but I think he's a bit jealous.

And then last night we were Facetiming and he asked if I was open to polyamory," she sighed.

"What?" Loki's reaction was the same as mine when I told him. "What possessed him to ask that? Not that I object to the concept as such, as long as everyone is a consenting adult people should do what makes them happy, but what made him suggest that?"

"He feels guilty that he and Carter are together, and Kyra will have no one when she grows up," I shook my head. "Danny doesn't see Kyra in that way at all and she is way too young, but he wonders if it is his responsibility since all the other men on the island are far older."

Loki ran a hand through his hair and shook his head.

"The halfwitted dolt, how did he think that would go?"

"He's trying to do the right thing, to look after the girls I suppose," I defended Danny. I knew it hadn't been the wisest suggestion, but I could see his heart was in the right place when he made it. I could also see why it had led Carter to break up with him, she must have wondered if he was with her for the same reason.

"He should have been less worried about his responsibilities and more about Anthony Ryan," Loki muttered.

"Anthony?" it was my turn to sound surprised.

"Haven't you seen the doe-eyes he and Carter are making at each other? And he's been having dinner with us every night since she arrived, before that he preferred to dine alone."

"Poor Danny," I said softly. "With his father gone, he doesn't really have anyone to talk to him or give him advice about things like this."

Loki was quiet, a frown on his face, as we continued to do the dishes in silence.

"I think I might stop by the island tonight," he said suddenly, "check on the wards."

I hid a smile, I knew very well that wasn't what he was going to the island for.

He put on his long black coat and pulled me in for a kiss.

"Don't wait up, I might need all night."

"I'll get the ice cream and a romcom out for Carter," I smiled. "Say hi to Danny for me."

Sorcha's Secret World, Part 2: Mystery and Mischief.Where stories live. Discover now