pt 7

402 8 15

bro these chapters have been so dark im sorry 💀

The gays of Derry
Wednesday; 2:57 PM

The gay bsf: hey whoresssss

McFucking stutters a lot: Omg you're alive

Eds: Oh thank fuck oh my god

Bevilian the great: *casually just now checking messages*

Tittlers: you missed a lot

The gay bsf: yes indeed u did

Bevilian the great: very confused

The gay bsf: why'd that take you two million years to type

Bevilian the great: I'm typing with my non dominant hand and my pinkie so

McFucking stutters a lot: Makes sense

Bevilian the great: richie how tf are you alive rn

The gay bsf: im magical 🧙‍♀️

Ramen ass looking bitch: A witch?

The gay bsf: sure that too

Tittlers: guys

McFucking stutters a lot: What

The gay bsf: hwar
The gay bsf: what
The gay bsf: i just had a stroke wtf

Tittlers: raccoons have fucking hands

The gay bsf: shocker

Bevilian the great: oh great is ben drunk too
Bevilian the great: richie what did you give him.

The gay bsf: i didn't do shit!

Tittlers: im not drunk ty very much

McFucking stutters a lot: I agree with Bev ngl

Tittlers: wha- why??

Ramen ass looking bitch: Who the fuck randomly blurts out 'raccoons have hands'? A drunk person.

The gay bsf: y'all just slow
The gay bsf: ben i realized that a few days ago, great minds think alike!!!!!

Eds: More like dumbasses think alike

The gay bsf: eds how dare you
The gay bsf: i feel...
The gay bsf: betrayed..

Eds: Good for you man

The gay bsf: im leaving this cruel chat 😔

Ramen ass looking bitch: Finally.

Bevilian the great: lmao

Mickey Mouse: Guys! Guess what?

Bevilian the great: this better not be abt raccoons or hands.

Mickey Mouse: What? No-

Bevilian the great: oh, then carry on

Mickey Mouse: So you guys know Comstain and Freddly right?

Bevilian the great: ah yes, the piggies me and richie named!!

Tittlers: yes! miss themmm

McFucking stutters a lot: Yeah what about them

Mickey Mouse: Comstain had a baby! We don't know what to name him, it might be Piglet but we don't know yet

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