pt 4 (irl)

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Eddie arrived quickly at Richie's house, making sure his bike was hidden so that he couldn't be seen by anyone inside.

He sprinted to the back of the house, climbing up the wall using the out of placed bricks as a ladder.

He panted like a dog as he scrambled up, soon latching on to the window sill. He tugged the window open and sprawled inside, careful not to make much noise.

"Oh my god, Richie!" He said loudly, though quiet enough that he couldn't be heard from downstairs.

He ran over to the boy on the floor and fell to his knees, dragging Richie's weak body into his lap.

"Holy shit, are you okay?!"

"Yeah. Totally."

"Sorry, oh my god what the hell just happened," Eddie breathed out, then brought Richie into a quick hug before bringing him back out, noticing how uncomfortable of a position it was for Richie.

Richie breathed out, trying to control his shaky breaths.

"I'm fine, Eds."

"No the fuck you are not! Richie you are far from fine, and any person with common sense would know that! Everyone's extremely worried for you, we care so much, I'm glad you're still conscious," Eddie spoke quickly, which wasn't helping Richie.

The only thing keeping the taller boy sane was getting to see Eddie's beautiful face. Getting to hear his soothing tones that danced in his ears.
He was helplessly in love with this boy. Every part of him. He wanted so badly to just lean upwards and kiss him.

The two boys made strict eye contact for a tote minute or two, before Eddie broke it by reaching into his Fanny pack.

"We have to get you fixed up, you look terrible," Eddie sighed out.

"Damn, I knew I looked ugly but you didn't have to point it out," Richie half joked.

"Richard Tozier. Do not say that. Ever again. You are in fact one of the most beautiful boys I have ever lay my eyes on. Every second I get to spend with you has always been worth my time, and I'm so happy you're still here with me."

Richie was turning red as he smiled deeply and dropped his head in attempt to hide his tomato face.

"You don't mean that," Richie chuckled.

"Look at me." Richie did so. "I mean every word of it."

Richie searched Eddie's gorgeous brown eyes for a sign of a lie, but there nothing but honesty, beauty and love.

Eddie started to grab out supplies in order to help Richie.

"Woah woah, this isn't necessary? It was a slap to the face."

"One that sent you flying to the fucking ground. Look at your face! There's a deep red god damn hand print for fucks sake! And that asshole kicked you in the stomach. Hard."

"I know. I experienced it," Richie said, his eyes keeping a steady gaze down at his hands in which he fidgeted with.

"Can you take off your shirt?"

"Woah there, Eds, chill."

"Shut the fuck up and take it off."

Richie smiled slightly and slipped off his shirt without further communication, causing Eddie's jaw to drop. Richie got a tad bit confused until he looked down.


"What the fuck.." Eddie spoke finally. "How.. how long..?"

"Years. Way too fucking long."

Eddie felt his heart ache as it snapped into pieces.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?! We could've helped you.. and.. and this could've been stopped! You could be safe!"

"I'm sorry, I just really don't want to leave Derry. As much as I despise this town, I can't bear the thought of leaving you all," Richie admitted, swallowing at the thought.

"Why would you leave us?" Eddie asked, leaning in the slightest bit.

"My only alive relatives live all the way in Indiana."

"Oh.." Eddie didn't want Richie to leave either. Even though he wanted what was best for his best friend, he didn't want to lose him along the process.

"Yea.. oh.." Richie mumbled. He sniffed a bit and sighed.

Eddie stared at Richie's stomach. You could see his ribs, in which were dark blue and purple, a light green and yellow coloring popping up in several places as well. He was in total shock.

"I'm so sorry," he slipped out.

"Why?" Richie asked.

"I'm sorry for you. I'm sorry you have to live through this bullshit house. I'm sorry you have to live with your horrible excuse of a father. I'm sorry for what he does. I'm sorry. You don't deserve that, in fact, you deserve the absolute best," Eddie spoke faster than he thought.

"Thanks.. Eds.." Richie said. The urge to lean in and kiss Eddie deeply burned in his chest.

They stared into each other's eyes for a minute, both daydreaming about the same thing.

"Can.. can I.." Richie started. He shook his head barely and Eddie rose his eyebrows.

"Can you what?" He asked.

Richie paused. "Can I.. kiss you?" He finally blurted out, and Eddie's eyes widened as he turned a bright pink color.

"Oh.. um.."

Richie froze at his hesitation.

"Fuck, I'm incredibly sorry, I shouldn't have asked, I probably just made you so uncomfortable and you probably think I'm disgusting and won't ever want to talk to me again which wouldn't be good because I'm so madly and insanely in love with every inch of you, but please don't judge me and don't leave me after this beca-" Richie apple so fast, it was hard to make out most of the words.

He couldn't stop moving his lips and letting words slip from his mouth until he felt another pair of lips connect with his. He gasped lightly at this, and eventually leaned into the kiss, kissing back deeply.

Eddie brought his hand up and rested it on Richie's neck, and Richie brought the both of his and gently cupped Eddie's cheeks with them. They kissed into each other, feeling fireworks set off in and around them.

Richie had waited for this moment his entire lifespan of knowing Eddie. And even if Richie didn't believe it, Eddie had too. They were both crazily in love with each other, and neither knew how to or had the guts to tell the other.

That's what made this so magical. Everything felt amazing in the few minutes they kissed. They were making out by now, and they finally pulled away, both gasping for air as they smiled and Eddie held Richie's forehead against his own.

"I love you, Richard Tozier."

Richie had never wanted to hear those words as much as he had this second. He never thought he would've.

"I love you more, Kaspbrak. Always have."

{wrote this at 3:00 am so bare with me if it's shitty}

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