pt 6

433 12 17

The gays of Derry
Sunday; 3:57 AM

The gay bsf: hi
The gay bsf: hi
The gay bsf: hi
The gay bsf: ugHhHhHh

Eds: Sleep you idiot

The gay bsf: edssss!!! :)))

Eds: Sleep

The gay bsf: im glad youre awake, now we can stay up all night and talk!!!!

Eds: Sleep.

The gay bsf: nooo dont leave me for sleep!

Eds: No. You. Sleep.

The gay bsf: you first

Eds: I was. You woke me up. Go. To. Sleep.

The gay bsf: no ;)

Eds: Richard.

The gay bsf: i can't eds

Eds: Why..?

The gay bsf: you know why i think

Eds: ..
Eds: Do you want to come over?

The gay bsf: yea, but the weather

Eds: I don't care, get your ass over here before you get hurt

The gay bsf: too late <3

Eds: Rich..

The gay bsf: wait hold on

Eds: Richie where'd you go
Eds: Richieeee

[ten mins later]

The gay bsf: sorry im back

Eds: What happened

The gay bsf: nothing?

Eds: Mmmhm. You expect me to believe that?

Ramen ass looking bitch: If you guys don't stop talking. Damn. Woke me up.

Bevilian the great: aw great you guys awoke the stanster (monster)

The gay bsf: PFFT- nice one

Bevilian the great: why thank you

Ramen ass looking bitch: @The gay bsf So you good there?

The gay bsf: im fineeee omfg

Eds: Mk whatever you say

The gay bsf: ty eds

Bevilian the great: ok so the hurricane thingy is gonna hit like tuesday, there's no school on monday so we can be prepared!!!!!

Eds: Finally, I fucking hate school

Ramen ass looking bitch: I quite enjoy it, thank you.

The gay bsf: not surprising coming from you

Ramen ass looking bitch: At least I have decent grades.

The gay bsf: at least i have decent looks, eds can even agree

Ramen ass looking bitch: At least I have decent parents.

Bevilian the great: what the fuck

The gay bsf: 😒🖕

Ramen ass looking bitch: I deserve that, don't I?

Eds: Yes the fuck you do what is wrong with you

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