pt 5

551 12 24

Eddie renamed the chat Tozier love club

Tozier love club
Tuesday; 11:14 PM

Eddie: I got him

Beverly: oh my god is he ok?!

Stanley: ^^

Bill: ^^^

Mike: ^^^^

Ben: ^^^^^

Eddie: I got him to calm down, but I found some stuff out that I really didn't want to know.

Beverly: shit

Stanley: How's he doing?

Eddie: Pretty okay, he's not crying anymore, I'm pretty sure he's asleep.

Mike: I feel so horrible for him

Ben: I second that

Beverly: ik, same :(

Bill: This clearly isn't the time, but he's sleeping on you Eddie, isn't he?

Eddie: Stfu I was calming him down.

Beverly: this definitely isn't the right time but shipppppp #reddienation

Stanley: Yes. #reddienation.


Mike: When do you think he'll wake up?

Eddie: I don't know, but it seems he needs to sleep really bad.

Ben: good that he's getting some

Eddie: Yeah

Beverly: soo you gonna tell us what you found out or do we have to hear it from Richie himself?

Eddie: I'll tell you since it might be hard for him to bring up.

Stanley: Good idea.

Eddie: Apparently his dad's been hurting him for a long ass time. He's got dark purple and blue bruises all over his body. When I got there, he was on the floor crying, but he tried to tell me he was fine and this was nothing.

Beverly: holy shit.

Bill: Wait what the fuck

Stanley: fuck, tyats horribke..

Beverly: so bad it broke stan

Eddie: Not now please

Beverly: sorry sorry

Mike: Why didn't he tell anybody??

Eddie: I don't know.. I wish he did though.
Eddie: And when I looked closer at him, he had a throbbing, deep red colored hand on his cheek. It was really bad.

Bill: Oh my god..

Beverly: His dad needs to be fucking arrested.

Ben: ^

Mike: ^^

Stanley: I agree.

Bill: ^^^^^^

Eddie: Definitely. I'm gonna go now, I'll update you on the other gc later

Beverly: byee, tell richie I love him!!!!!

Stanley: Take good care of him for us.

Eddie: I will :)

Mike: :)

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