"Alright see ya!" I call out, before going my own way, coming across a familiar door, pushing it open before closing it behind me. I look around with a smile, seeing almost everything looking brand new, only a few things remain to be clean one great example is the ceiling to which I began to wonder how I would reach it. "Maybe I can ask one of them to use their magic to lift me up." I mumbled to myself as I walked over to a section, slipping the book into its spot.

I began looking around, humming a small tune as I looked for the next book to read. I then noticed a book catching my eye, something about the XTale. It looked only a few years old compared to the other books, most likely the most recent out of the others. I began to reach out to take it, but stopped when I heard something like metal crashing onto the ground.

I moved my hand away as I began to walk over to the door, stopping when I heard unfamiliar voices on the other side. "Do you want us to get caught!?" One voice hissed, fear laced in their voice however there was a hint of anger.

"It's fine, his guards are currently busy with our distraction. I heard that he is in the throne room so he shouldn't have heard." Another voice responded, sounding like a male. I began to wonder who on earth these people were as I listened further. "Just remember, all we have to do is distract him long enough for our archers to shoot the monster down."

My eyes widened, they were planning to kill Nightmare so some villagers did survive after Nightmare's turn. Now they plan on assassinating him? It was their own fault he turned out like this, they created the monster. I have to stop them, I can use my magic then quickly run to Nightmare to take out the archers, should be easy enough.

I pushed open the door causing five figures to jump, their eyes landing on me as my golden eyes narrowed into a glare. "A human?" A humanoid bunny spoke, a sword gripped tightly in their hand. I recognized the voice as the one that snapped at the one dropping whatever they dropped. There were also two humans, a humanoid fox, and a humanoid dog.

"Leave her. Most likely a slave." A male with black hair and orange eyes spoke as he walked over to me placing a hand on my shoulder giving me a warm smile. "Don't worry once we kill him you will be free. Just keep quiet." He spoke, placing his finger over his lips. I swatted his hand off my shoulder causing him to look down at me in surprise.

"I am no slave here. I am a welcomed guest." I stated calmly, yawning, and began to think I really needed a nap. Maybe Horror and Dust are beginning to rub off on me. "And you will not harm Nightmare." I stated firmly my eye glowing a bright teal, Glitch appearing behind me, while a short sword formed in my hand as I stood tall and proud.

The black haired male's smile formed into a frown, "So you're one of them. A murderer and a physco." He growled, he then gestured towards the others. "You go on ahead. I'll take care of her." He spoke as his eyes gave off a glow, fire erupting into the palm of his hands. I glanced down at the flames before looking back up at him, we both have abilities.

"But he's nothing like us." Glitch spoke with a chuckle as he crossed his arms, a smirk decorating his features. I nodded in agreement to Glitch's comment as I spread out my feet ready for a fight.

"But Atticus-"

"Just go." His eyes met my own. "This won't take long." I watched the others run down the hall, I began to wonder if any of them had magic or if it was only him. Regardless I have to make this quick.

A wave of flames shot my way, I quickly rolled out of the way before charging forward, moving quickly under his arms, away from his hands. His eyes widened in surprise as he quickly jumped away as I attempted to stab his leg. "Why is someone like you here?" He questioned as he snuffed out his flames. "They usually go straight for the head but you want to cripple me?"

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