Chapter 13

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Third POV

Error let out a sigh in relief as he sat down on his blue bean bag, a relaxed smile resting on his face. The glitch, as he calls (Y/N), is currently with Nightmare far away from him, soon Ink will find out, and he will go insane on searching for the ugly glitch. Yes, Error would say he was having a very good week.

A small portal opened next to him, he reached his hand in without looking before pulling his arm out revealing a bar of chocolate. The portal closed, "Now time to watch my favorite show." He spoke to himself as he took a bite of his chocolate. He snapped his fingers, the TV turning onto a channel, Spanish could be heard coming out of it.

All of a sudden a large portal opened, causing Error to turn his head, looking at it confused. Next thing he knew, something or someone came flying out of it, crashing right into him, knocking him off the bean bag and onto the white ground.

Error let out a groan as he pushed himself up off, whatever it was he was laying on thinking his bean bag followed him after the crash. He blinked open his eyes, looking down to see the glitch he was, before, relieved not being around. He let out a glitched scream as he jumped away from the woman, putting six feet distance between the two. "Oh HeLl No!" He growled, his once relaxed mood vanishing in an instant. "WhY aRe YoU hErE?" He questioned angrily, glaring as the woman pushed herself off the ground, dusting herself off, the sound of chains clinging together echoed around the white empty space.

"I don't know." She answered with a shrug, bringing her hand up to her neck, rubbing it gently. "Nightmare tossed me here." She added, as she began to look around.

Error grumbled curses underneath his break as he opened a glitchy portal before walking through, leaving the glitch alone in the white void. He closed the portal behind him, freezing as he heard something slam down next to him. He looked over seeing Dust, bruises were beginning to form along his bones.

Error simply rolled his eyes as he looked over at Nightmare who wore an irritated expression. Horror stood on one side, looking everywhere but the floor, Killer standing on the other side as he chuckled at the sight. Horror fiddled with something in his pocket as his eye wandered to Nightmare.

"HeY!" Error yelled, gaining Nightmare's attention as he glared at Error. Error didn't seem to care as he stomped up to the king of negativity. "CaRe To ExPlAiN tO mE wHy ThE gLiTcH cAmE fLyInG iNtO mY vOiD!?" Error questioned as he returned the glare, his hands balled into fists.

Nightmare sat down on his throne, "Because I can't trust anyone here." He spoke as he extended out a trundle, grabbing Dust by the throat holding him up off the ground. "Not after I have seen this one become friends with it." Nightmare growled as he threw Dust into a wall. Dust gasped as the air got knocked out of him, cracks could be heard once he made impact, before his body slid down to the ground.

Error couldn't help but agree with Nightmare, everyone knows that Horror has a connection or a bond with it. That couldn't be helped since the glitch appeared in his world. However, Dust becoming friends with it is alarming as he despises humans after what happened to his own world. Meaning sticking it with Killer would most likely end up as the same outcome. So Error was the next best option since Cross was busy keeping an eye on the star sanses. "DoEs ThAt MeAn I hAvE tO TaKe CaRe oF It?" Error groaned, not liking the idea of keeping it like a pet to take care of.

"Let me worry about that. All you have to do is watch it and make sure it doesn't die." Nightmare answered as he placed his elbow on the arm chair, closing his hand into a fist and leaning his head onto his closed fist.

Error clicked his tongue, "FiNe." He then opened a portal behind him, turning around and walking through it before closing it behind me. He stared at the glitch in front of him before a smirk decorated his expression. "WeLl He DiD sAy To MaKe SuRe YoU dOn'T dIe. NoT tO dO AnYtHiNg ElSe." He mumbled to himself as he placed his phalanges onto his blue tear streaks, before pulling them revealing blue strings.

He latched them onto her, "Hey!" She exclaimed, sounding annoyed as the string wrapped around her in a chain-like manor, pulling her arms to her body and legs close together, before lifting her up off the ground. She hung with the other items hanging around her. Some being tiny puppets while others were glowing hearts ... souls.

"NoW yOu StAy HeRe AnD bE qUiEt." Error spoke, causing the girl to look over seeing Error sitting on one of his strings, before jumping down to the ground.

"Great." The girl huffed, rolling her eyes.


It has been hours, and honestly the blue string is extremely uncomfortable. It's even started digging into my skin, feeling warm liquid dripping down my skin. I looked down, seeing Error watching something in ... was that Spanish I hear? Is he watching telenovela? I shake my head, looking around for something to help me get out. All I could see were small puppets which were actually kind of cute, an excess string which wasn't hanging anything, and different colored souls.

I began to wonder what their colors mean, since Aliza's soul trait was fear, which makes a lot of sense considering her jumpy nature. Fear is honestly her strongest suit as she picks up things quickly that didn't sit right. The flower has never seen my type of soul before so whatever my soul trait is can't be fear.

Out of boredom I began to search for any that looks like my soul color. I found a lot of red and blue ones, some lilac ones that are like my sister's, there are some orange ones as well along with cyan. So many colors but none were like mine, I became slightly confused as my eyes scanned the surrounding area once more. I eventually gave up and let out a sigh, "Maybe it's somewhere I can't see." Which is most likely true as this white void seemed to stretch on forever.

I let out a yawn, my eyes growing a bit droopy despite the pain from the threads squeezing my skin. I didn't think I would be tired, guess the events of the day finally tired me out. I gave in, closing my eyes as my head hangs forward, letting the darkness consume me into a comfortable blanket.


I opened my eyes to see nothing but darkness. "You're finally here." A voice spoke, I turned my head seeing a boy around maybe twelve or thirteen with dark skin, bright white hair, and silver eyes. I looked at him confused as I looked around, hoping to see something that would get my bearings. "We are inside your mind." The boy seemed to answer the thought inside my head.

"Ok and what are you doing in it?" I questioned in return, glaring up at him as I pushed myself up to my feet. He seemed surprised by my comment, shoving his hands into his black jean pockets.

"You ... don't remember me?" He questioned, looking slightly hurt yet confused at the same time. "No wonder you can't defend yourself properly." He mumbled to himself as his gaze looked to the ground then back up at me. "Plus it has been awhile too and you were pretty young." He continued mumbling, seeming to completely forget I was there.

"You're young yourself." I countered, earning a chuckle from the boy.

"We are technically the same age right now I just ... don't age physically." He explained with a shrug. "Now I wanted to save this whole talk until he came along or if he ever does. But if there is anything I have learned about Error is that he isn't like the others." He started as he clasped his hands behind his back.

"Obviously. He refers to me as a glitch." I spoke, crossing my arms as I rolled my eyes.

"Right so ... I may have an idea to get him onto your side. Talking to him won't do it. W-You are going to need him if Nightmare tries something else." The boy stated as he began to pace, placing a finger on his chin seeming to think of a plan.

"How can I trust you?" I questioned. "How and why are you in my-"

"I can't answer that." He interrupted, stopping his pacing before a smirk formed along his lips. "But if it helps, you have trusted me before with my last idea."

I knew I wouldn't get anywhere with this kid, if anything the worst outcome would be basically being tied up again or being yelled at. "Fine, what do I call you? You have to have a name." The boy's smirk widened.


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