Turning Purple (2)

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I was prepared for them to shout at me. To hate me, to despise me. I was not ready for what they yelled.

"You're a fluffy purple cat!!" Pidge squealed in excitement as they rushed forward.

My brain stopped working. They don't hate me? But why? I'm a galra?

"W-wait? You don't hate me?" I asked them.

"No. Why would I hate you? You're still the Keith we all know and love. Just now you're purple and fluffy," Pidge explained as they crouched in front of me.

"B-but I'm galra. The race we're fighting. The race who's destroying the universe," I mumbled looking down. I could already feel more tears gathering in my eyes.

"Keith. Look at me," they commanded. I slowly looked back up at them but I refused to look into their brown eyes. Without warning, they grabbed my face making me screech in surprise and meet their eyes. "Keith. You listen to me. You. Are. Not. Them! You are still the same Keith I knew yesterday. The only difference is that you're purple. And you're practically a cat now."

She moved one of her hands up to my ears and started scratching them. It felt good. I felt a low rumble in the depth of my throat.

"Keith, are you... purring?" Pidge asked. I immediately stopped and looked back down.

"No," I lied. Then I started panicking again. "P-Pidge? What will the rest of the team think?"

They seemed to pause as they thought about it. After a while, they started rubbing my ears again.

"Well, some of them might have trouble excepting you. Hunk will adore you. Lance... I don't know about him. Shiro might have some mixed feelings. And Allura..." Pidge shrugged before pulling me up on my feet. "Come on. We have to go tell the others."

I froze. I couldn't do that. They'll hate me. They'll kick me off the team. I started hyperventilating.

"N-no Pidge, I can't do that. They'll hate me," I mumbled while trying to pull my wrist from their grasp.

However, they held on right, refusing to let me go as they dragged me out of my room and towards the lounge where the rest of the team was. I kept on tugging and trying to stop her from dragging me.

Damn, when had they become so strong I thought as I helplessly tugged at my wrist,

"Pidge please," I begged. They didn't stop? Instead looking at me.

"Keith, you have to tell them. I know you might not be ready but it will be worse if you don't tell them."

I know those words were supposed to be reassuring. But all those words brought me where more panic. I let out a sound I hadn't let out in years. A whimper. I whimpered as I was dragged along. I knew they were doing what was best but I still didn't like it. We eventually made it to the living room when Pidge dragged me through the door. I looked at them and they all had their backs turned to me. Pidge cleared her throat.

"Guys? Now, don't freak out and don't scream. He's already scared. And don't you dare judge him," Pidge commanded as Shiro slowly turned around.

"Pidge? Why would we-" Shiro stopped talking as soon as his eyes landed on me. The others soon followed his gaze and gasped in surprise. I quickly looked down to avoid their gazes.

"Pidge! Get away from that galra immediately!" Allura cried as she stood up while activating her bayard. 

I flinched and quickly took a step back while Pidge stood in front of me protectively. I smiled at them. I thought of them a like a sibling I never had.

"You must have mistaken princess. This is Keith. He's fluffy, purple, and we all love him," Pidge explained with a glare. 

Suddenly Lance shrieked while running up to me. I scrambled back while tripping over my feet. I threw my arms in front of my face to protect myself while closing my eyes, expecting a hit to come.

It never came.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Lance sitting in front of me with a smile. I stared into his eyes. He slowly reached up and started scratching my ears. I started humming in satisfaction as I leaned into his touch. I soon started purring. I quickly remembered that there are other people and scrambled to stand up. Lance stood up with me while Pidge came back to stand on my other side.

"Keith really is a cat. And fluffy too," Lance said while staring at the rest of the team. "And you all better accept him. Or so help it I will beat every single one of you."

Hunk smiled while Shiro came up and hugged me. I was so happy. Allura just stood there while processing everything.

"I-I need some time," she said before hurrying out. 

I sighed but still smiled as I wiped at my damp cheeks. Suddenly I was in a huge warm hug. I smiled to myself as I thought of how lucky of a person I am to have such a caring family.

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