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I was bored. Extremely bored. I had nothing to do. NOTHING!! The team had banned me from the training deck saying, and I quote, "you're not spending enough time doing something fun and talking to other people." Training is fun! And I talk to lots of people... ok, that last one might not be true but still! I've talked to people.

"Ugh, I'm so bored!" I wined as I turned from laying on my back to my stomach. 

I was currently lying on my bed trying to find something to do. I glanced at my desk and saw a book sitting on top. A cookbook to be exact. I suddenly remembered something Hunk had told me a few days ago.

- - - - - - - - 

"Whenever I'm bored, stressed, angry, sad, happy -" Hunk started but I cut him off.

"I get it, no what do you do when you're all those things?" I huffed, already getting annoyed.

"Oh, well, I bake!" Hunk said with a huge smile. "It helps me relax and it's fun to do. You should try it sometime."

Hunk smiled at me as he handed me a cookbook.

"Eh, I don't know. Have you seen me in a kitchen?" I asked, unsure.

"Nope," Hunk chuckled.

"And you better hope it stays that way," was the last thing I said before taking the book and heading to my room. I placed it on my desk, not giving it a second thought.

- - - - - - - - 

I sighed. 

Why not? I thought to myself as I stood up and grabbed the book, making my way to the kitchen. What could possibly go wrong?

Everything can go wrong. I was currently looking at the cake after I had pulled it from the oven. It looked... toasted. It also smelled of burnt chicken.

"Who tried baking a chicken?" Lance asked as he walked into the room, smelling the air.

"Cake, actually," I answered while still observing the cake. 

I shrugged and took a bite. It was... unique... I'm lying. It was the worst thing I have ever tasted. As soon as it touched my tough I spit it back out. Without saying a thing, Lance walked over and also took a bite.

"Come on, it can't be that bad," he said as he took a bite. I could see his face turn green as he tried keeping it in. All I did was hand him a napkin that he gladly took and spit into.

"Keith! What did you do to that poor cake!? And why does it smell like burnt chicken in here?" Lance exclaimed. All I did was shrug.

"And is that an eggshell?" Lance asked, pointing to a piece of white that stuck out of the cake. 

"Um... was I supposed to take those off?" I asked, confused.

"YES! You really can't bake a thing," Lance chuckled. After a second, a look of fear crossed his face. "Hunk is going to kill you for causing such a mess..."

They looked at each other before running out of the kitchen. A few minutes later they heard a scream.


Lance and I kid in the castle for the next few hours as Hunk interrogated everyone and looked for us. And I must admit. I had fun. And I was no longer bored. Now, as for why the kitchen smelled of burned chicken? That is something we will never know. Nor how I managed to light the water on fire...


(A/N) Hey. Thanks to those who read this. I was busy with another one, but I was running out of time and it was a long one so I did this one instead. Hope it's alright. Have a lovely day/night. 

- MarMar

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