What Had Just Happened?

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"He's come out of his little trance, Doctor" the nurse said apologetically as another nurse, a strongly built man, tried to hold a struggling Niall still. "He keeps calling for his mom and yelling he isn't a baby ".

"Sedate him" the doctor said "then swaddle him tightly. He won't be able to move when the sedation wears off. I'll go back and talk with his parents. He left the room to return to Liam and Zayn whilst the nursing staff carried out his instructions.

"Is he ok? Is our baby alright?" Both Liam and Zayn stood app and rushed towards the doctor when he reentered the waiting room. The doctor held up and hand nd the two men lapsed into silence and waited for the doctor to speak.

"He's come out of the emotional shock of seeing his biological parents and is now fighting the situation. I have had to sedate him. We still need to keep him in as his weight needs increasing and he needs fluids. I would suggest that you both go and make sure you have any baby equipment, diaper supplies, etc that you need as I suggest that once he is discharged you take him home and keep him isolated until he is more settled. We can't risk this happening again. I believe Doctor Alvarez will arrange house visits, etc when required. Gentlemen" the doctor said firmly " this is a new venture for all of us but, if we work together, this programme of creating more families will work. There are bound to be hurdles we will have to overcome, but it can and will be done. I believe we can release Niall tomorrow so I will see you then. " He shook hands with both men and watched them leave before returning to his office. It seemed like there would need to be some very intense medical and psychological discussions to take place later that day as more and more problems were emerging.

"Maura, please stop crying" Bobby murmured as he hugged his wife." I miss him too , and I want him back, but making yourself ill isn't going to help any." He drew back and tenderly wiped her eyes. "They looked kind and they must care about Niall. Perhaps the Government will at least give us information about how Niall is, that he is ok and being well treated. Surely they will at least do that.' He closed his eyes and prayed that it would happen. He'd at leat try to find out. Louis mother was also in a similar state.She had other children but Louis was her only son and to lose even one child tore the heart.

Maura tried to stay positive and believe that her son was being well looked after but she couldn't help the negative thoughts in her head. Was he in a good home? Would they love him? Was he going to be well treated? The thought that the Government had such power to take away much loved children horrified her.The cruelty of it all. Did those people who had been given their children really care? She sighed then collected up her purse and her grocery list. Despite everything, she still had bobby and Greg to look after and would not neglect them despite her own pain at the loss of Niall. They were grieving too. She left the house and got into her car ready to drive to the mall.

"I think we've got everything on the list" Zayn told Liam as he scanned his eye over their purchases. "Diapers, rash cream, baby Motrin, wipes, bottles. We won't run out for months. And that stroller we got will be ideal for when we can take him out more."

"Yes, I think you're right. Let's get this loaded into the van." Liam grabbed the cart and pushed it out of the doors towards their van. Just as they finished loading the vehicle, a battered car pulled up and a vaguely familiar woman climbed out. She raised her head to give a friendly greeting when she suddenly gasped. She recognised those faces.She had seen them with her Niall. But where was he? She tried to look past them into their van but could see no sign of him, yet they were loaded with baby stuff. Fear for her son made her bold.

"Where is Niall? Where is my son? What have you done with him?" Maura , normally so quiet and timid ,shouted, anxiety and fear combined making her move towards the two men.Both held up their hands in surrender.

"It's Ok, calm down" Zayn spoke in soothing tones. "He's fine, he's safe"

"Where is he?" Maura grabbed Zayn's arm and shook it. "Where is my son?" Zayn gently freed his arm from her grasp the both men took several steps back then hurried to open the doors of their van and climb in. Maura collapsed on the ground, tears pouring from her eyes. Zayn and Liam exchanged looks, almost like a silent conversation passing between them. Zayn shook his head and sighed softly before getting back out of the van. He walked back to Maura and carefully raised the sobbing woman to her feet.

"Give me your phone" he said quietly. Maura, dazed by his request , handed it over. He punched in his number then sent himself a call so he'd have her number. He handed it back to her with a quiet."We'll be in touch, just give us a few days." He turned away and soon the van headed off, leaving 'Maura staring after it. What had just happened?

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