Could You Agree?

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Maura looked around the small cafe nervously. It was a charming setup and normally she would have enjoyed the atmosphere but this was in a community where she had never set foot. Other people, sat at tables around her, gave her curious looks from time to time but nobody spoke to her though they looked like kind people. Maura huddled into herself when a small child began to cry making her even more nervous. The bell above the door chimed melodically and Maura breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her best friend, Jay Tomlinson, come into the cafe, looking as nervous as Maura did. Maura stood up as her friend approached and they hugged tightly, both with tears in their eyes. They hadn't met up once since their sons had been taken from them, both women too upset to even want to share their pain. She hadn't told Jay why she had suddenly wanted to meet up but was so happy when her offer was accepted without question.

"We really are doing this then?" Harry asked as he looked between the two men facing him. "I mean, is it safe?"

"Well, Doctor Alvarez says it is OK. He thinks it might even help the boys settle.And if it doesn't go well, I guess we have to consider other options." Zayn said quietly. "By the way, what did he say about you and Nick splitting up? And what about custody of Louis? What if Nick fights you for it?"

"It's possible....and I think he will but Doctor Alvarez says the if it comes to Louis being  as safe as possible, then he thinks Nick will be blocked from seeing the baby. He has a history of anger issues, you both know that. I thought I had changed him" Harry said sadly "but obviously not."

" Don't beat yourself up over it, Harry. Leopards can't change their spots. " Zayn glanced down at his watch  "Look, I have to go.I don't want to be late. I'll let you know how it goes." Zayn bend down and kissed Liam lightly. He patted Harry on the shoulder as he passed his. "Wish me luck."

Johanna and Maura were deep in conversation when a stunning looking young man arrived at their table and waited politely until both women looked up at him. He held out his hand first to shake Maura's hand and then extended it to Johanna. "I'm Zayn, Zayn Malik. Mrs Horan, Mrs Tomlinson, may I join you?" Maura looked guiltily at Jay. She hadn't told her why she had selected this particular cafe, nor the reasons behind it. She could only hope she hadn't done the wrong thing.

" Umh,  yes, of course" Maura murmured nervously as she glanced briefly at a stunned Jay. "Please sit."

"I don't think you were expecting me. Mrs Tomlinson" Zayn chuckled. "But I have spoken to Maura about meeting up and discussing the situation. I gather she hasn't enlightened you? Shall I explain, or would you like to do it?" Zayn looked at Maura. She waved her hand towards him, gesturing for him to go ahead. "OK, so here is the situation"

"We all know the  World Government ruling. They won't bend and do have plans to go further. My husband and I , and our best friend, are not totally happy about the situation. We have no intention of giving back our babies to you" he looked sternly at Jay when he noted the hopeful expression on her face, but we hope we can compromise in a way that benefits us both."

Two hours of intense debate  and two cups of coffee later, Zayn sat back in his chair and looked at the two women. "So, could you agree to these terms? Will you be bound to them? Because  ,if not ladies, we will take the boys and move to where you will never see or hear about them again. The choice will be all yours." Both women exchanged looks then nodded. "OK, let us all agree to meet here this time next week. I'll  email the contract to both of you, give you both time to read it through thoroughly, then we will all sign it when we meet again. Talk to your husbands, get their take on it too, as they will be just as involved. " Zayn stood up and held out his hand once more to shake their hands gently before leaving.  Once the cafe door had closed behind him, both women slumped back in their seats and looked wide eyed at each other. Had this meeting really just happened!

"How did it go?" Liam asked anxiously when Zayn returned home ."Did they agree?"

"Woah! Slow down babe. Let me get into the house properly! First, let me say that they have agreed in theory to the plan. I have outlined what we want, and they have said what they want, which is their children back. They know WG isn't going to let that happen so they are more than open to our terms. We just need to construct a contract, email it to them and await their response. We're meeting again next week to hopefully finalise  and sign it. Until then, nothing happens. "

"OK, guess we have to wait. When are we sorting the contract out?" Liam immediately wanted to know.

"When the babies are down for the night. I've called Paul Higgins, law is his field of expertise so he'll be around this evening. Meanwhile I suggest the three of us get together and work out what we want to include in the contract."  Zayn said as he sat down on the couch next to his husband. "Where's Harry? He needs to be here."

Surprisingly , the babies had gone to bed quite easily and now the three men were sat  discussing their thoughts before Paul arrived. "OK, so this is a list of our suggestions. I'm sure will  have more after speaking with Paul." Harry said as he pushed his curls behind his ears. He cleared his throat and began to read.

1. The birth parents have absolutely no rights in the care of the babies. We now have full parental control and custody of the babies.

2..The birth families are allowed to see the babies in a public area only ,such as a park. These meetings will be arranged as and when by us, as we see fit.

3. The birth parents are not allowed to be unsupervised with the babies.

4.. The birth parents are not allowed to know our address. They may contact us via a dedicated email address and cell phone number. If this is abused, it will be terminated.

5. The babies will never go to their birth parents home at any time for any reason.

"Sounds good so far"Liam said, but keep thinking. We don't want to make choices too swiftly that we leave any loopholes for them. I want this contract airtight." He jumped up as the doorbell chimed. "That must be Paul."

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